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How is cost per delivery calculated?

Laundry Chain – Revenue Increase
Neue Antwort am 18. Apr. 2021
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Anonym A fragte am 17. Apr. 2021

Hi all,

Does anyone know how $11.66 per delivery cost was calculated? I tried different methods and could not get the same number.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 18. Apr. 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Can you lay out your approach(es)? From there we can let you know where you made a mistake (or, perhaps, were correct)

War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Anonym B am 24. Mai 2021

I have the same issue, I calculated correctly that B should be the one to go, but I calculated the price for whole week service (5x8 deliveries + 2x16 deliveries). No idea where the $11,66 came from (nor the others), also tried different methods :)


Caroline am 31. Aug. 2021

I also can't find out how they evaluate the cost per delivery. E.g. Agence A over a week - fixed costs 7*$90 = $630 - weekdays costs 8trips * $4/trip * 5weekdays = $160 - weekend costs 16trips * $4/trip * 2days = $128 - trips per day: 5*8 + 2*16 = 72 - (630+160+128)/72 = $12.75/trip I found out $11.80/trip for the agence B.

Alica am 13. Apr. 2022

Does anyone have the correct calculations by now? :)

Lihui am 13. Mai 2022

Agency A: Weekday Avg cost/ delivery= 90/8+4=15.25 Weekend Avg cost/ delivery= 75/16+2.5=7.1875 Avg cost/delivery= 15.25*(40/72)+7.1875*(32/72)=8.47+3.19=11.66 *** dont like this apporach. too much caculation. *** Agency A: (90*5+4*40+75*2+2.5*32)/72=11.66 Agency B: (70*5+5*40+60*2+4*32)/72=11.08 *** Easiet way is to caculate the csot differences of Agency A and B, which will largely simplify the cacualtion. Difference (A-B)/ delivery = (20*5-40+15*2-15*32)/72= 0.58 Can have the same conclustion that B is cheaper than A for about 0.58 cents.


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