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Do you think that inhouse consultancies are less affected by the impact of COVID-19?

Neue Antwort am 27. Apr. 2020
1 Antwort
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Anonym A fragte am 26. Apr. 2020

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Beste Antwort
Nele antwortete am 27. Apr. 2020
Junior Project Manager

There is probably no company in the world that is not affected by COVID-19. Nevertheless, there are industries and companies for which the effects are perhaps less severe than for others. The energy industry as a whole is a very crisis-proof industry, and ECON is also benefiting from this. Furthermore, as inhouse consultants we are well networked within the company and enjoy a high degree of trust. All this makes us very confident that we at ECON, like E.ON, will emerge from the crisis with many lessons learned but also very successfully.

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