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Unternehmenscase von E.ON Inhouse Consulting
10,6 T.
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< 100 Bewertungen


Climate change has become one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century, and with roughly 75% of all CO₂ emissions coming from energy, this sector plays a key role in the transition to a reduced carbon footprint. E.ON has taken up on the challenge to promote more sustainable and efficient energy solutions throughout its whole customer spectrum. Correspondingly, a shift towards more sustainable energy consumption is noticed across the globe with many cities having set themselves ambitious climate targets, among those are:

  • Copenhagen -100% CO₂ emissions by 2025
  • Amsterdam -60% CO₂ emission by 2030
  • New York -40% CO₂ emissions by 2030

With E.ON focusing entirely on the “new” energy world, we have become the partner of choice for solutions propelling the energy transitions. Mr. Jensen, the mayor of Essen has come to E.ON requesting our help to accelerate the transition for his city.

Essen is a city with about 600,000 inhabitants and prides itself as a forward-thinking one with lots of ambitions to become green itself. The economy is well and with his freshly won election the mayor looks forward to put its promised big initiatives into real projects.

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Task 1: Analysis of urban CO₂ emission hotspots and main type of energy consumption

a) Please assess, which sectors within a city are mainly contributing to its CO₂ emissions 

b) Please identify their main type of energy consumption

Task 2: Assessment of green energy solutions

a) Please assess, in which of the identified areas green energy solutions are in use already

b) Please elaborate where you see potential for a shift towards more sustainable solutions in the future

Task 3: Analysis of energy consumption in the transportation sector

a) Please calculate the energy consumption of the transportation sector per energy source

b) Please calculate how much energy of the transportation sector is produced from gasoline / diesel, the largest emitter of CO₂ emissions

Task 4: Profitability evaluation of E.ON’s E-Mobility project

a) Please calculate the utilization rate

b) Please calculate the annual profit 

c) Please calculate the margin for the project

Task 5: Pitch of E.ON’s E-Mobility project

a) Please elaborate why the project should be started 

b) Please elaborate why E.ON is the right partner to launch this project

c) Please present the key messages prepared in a) and b) to Mr. Jensen

Weitere Fragen

Q1: Financial perspective of the project

Please state your recommendation for E.ON whether the project should be started from a financial point of view

Q2: Improving the project’s profitability

Please elaborate how E.ON’s profitability can be improved and what are factors that could pose a risk for the profitability

10,6 T.
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