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Resume Screening at Bain

CV MBB Resume Screening
New answer on Nov 20, 2020
8 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Nov 03, 2015

Hi, at most consulting firms, the CV screening is done by the consulting staff and not the human resource department. I was wondering which level employees (Associate, Team Leader, Manager, Pricinpal, Partner) do the initial screening at Bain.

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Anonymous replied on Nov 05, 2015

I have not worked at Bain or interviewed there so this more of a general answer. I have worked at McKinsey and Deloitte. Did a ton of recruiting at Deloitte. This is how it used to be done

Who does resume screening depends on level.

  • For Analyst level, an Analyst volunteer team used to do it and help HR
  • For Associate level, then Assoicates volunteer used to do it
  • For Experienced hires, HR does screening with guidance from consultants who volunteer their time to help. usually at the level or above what the applicant applies

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Anonymous replied on Nov 03, 2015


In general, at Bain the CV screening is done by the recruiting office, which is part of the HR dept, but it can vary from office to office.

Best regards,


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Anonymous replied on Nov 03, 2015

Dear all,

in Mck from Busyness Analyst to Enagement Manager, I never did CV screening. It's part of HR process

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Content Creator
replied on Nov 20, 2020
#1 MBB Coach(Placed 750+ in MBBs & 1250+ in Tier2)| The Only 360° coach(Ex-McKinsey+Certified Coach+Active recruiter)

Hi there,

It depends on the offices. Where did you apply?

Usually HR and Recruitment departments makes the CVs screening.

All the best,


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Velma updated an answer on Oct 01, 2018

I recently completed a CV and CV course. I realized that I made fatal errors when writing these forms. You must understand exactly why you need it and indicate all your motivations. I am grateful to this resource that provided me with a ready template. Now I work in the field of education


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Velma on Oct 01, 2018
Anonymous replied on Nov 03, 2015

In McKinsey, CV screening is done by the recruitment team, who then share it relevant office partners to start Organising interviews.

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Himanshu replied on Nov 03, 2015
Experienced Hire. Looking for partners targeting MBB & other firms. Please feel free to connect :)

A more apt question would be - Who would review the CV for the following levels?

1. Associate Consultant

2. Consultant

3. Case Team Leader

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Henry replied on Nov 03, 2015

I have a friend at Bain London who is an Associate consultant, he told me recently that they do the first round of screening for CVs.

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