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4.5 von 5 basierend auf 818 Bewertungen
It prepared me best for my Interview and the best thing was, that I was able to practice so much cases with other people. Great experience which I would recommend everyone applying for a consulting firm. I will definitely upgrade my account for the next application!
I've witnessed so many improvements I made in case interviews with the help of Preplounge! Very useful platform to find case partners and sharpen your interview skills. I also found the studying materials and the coaching sessions on the platform really helpful.
Preplounge has prepared me to tackle the job interviews, which consist of case studies. I was a novice when I started the case handling, but with the help of various articles and structured methodology of Preplounge, I got way better and learned a few tricks. I am applying for opportunities in the Consulting firms, and I am sure that I will crack the case which will come to my way. The only way to get better in case solving is... Practice, Practice and more Practice.
Personally I did the 6-week premium subscription and, to be honest, it turned out to be a really good investment! Over 140 great quality cases available, but above all, the possibility to make hundreds of cases with other candidates and not just 6 meetings. Also many other additional services and products. I think I will extend my premium period! Very useful really recommended!
Through Preplounge Premium, I have been able to hone my casing skills and meet some truly exceptional people. It has been the biggest boon to my learning experience by far and has, without a doubt, been an exceptional investment.
Preplounge has been very helpful with my preparation for consulting interviews. It's easy to use and it seamlessly connects you with bright individuals around the world who are in the same place as you to prepare you for the real interview.
The prep lounge premium membership has been a really valuable preparation tool for me to get ready for consulting interviews. Prep lounge offers unlimited meetings with case partners, a database of practice cases, frameworks, and videos, as well as tools like mental math. I can highly recommend!
PrepLounge prepared me very well for my consulting interviews. What I liked most about it, is the meeting board, where I was able to practice cases with other people. I will definitely use it again when interviewing for another consulting firm :)

Unser Rezept für Deinen Erfolg

Du möchtest Consultant in einer renommierten Unternehmensberatung wie McKinsey, BCG oder Bain werden? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig! Bereite Dich mit PrepLounge auf Dein Case-Interview vor und schnapp Dir Deinen Traumjob.

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Melde Dich kostenlos an und erhalte Zugang zu eingeschränkten aber auch völlig kostenlosen Inhalten, wie 6 Übungsinterviews mit Gleichgesinnten, ausgewählte Cases, Video-Case-Lösungen und Video-Tutorials, Case-Interview-Übungen, Übungen zum Kopfrechnen & vieles mehr!

15.000+ Fragen rund um den Einstieg in die Beratung von unseren Experten beantwortet

McKinsey final round: What to watch out for?

As an ex-Mckinsey consultant and part of recruiting team, here is my perspective: Keep the following things in mind while preparing for the Partner interview: 1) Better synthesis and conclusions; 2) Comfort with less structured case discussion; 3) Consistent stories and deep dives.

McKinsey & Company

How to build up confidence and look smart and sharp in a consultant role?

Building confidence is always a tough thing in consulting where everyone is super smart around you. My 2 pieces of advice are: 1) Focus on your strengths. What makes you unique? 2) Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness. It reflects the leadership and ownership mindset that you have to possess.

Coursera, McKinsey & Company

Is it always important to have a structure when being asked a specific brainstorming question?

A good structure doesn't need to be rigid. What matters is that you capture the key aspects of the issue, which requires you to be flexible and customise as needed. The branches in your structure can totally include creative ideas. You just need to get your creativity communicated in a structured way.


How's life like as a Partner vs an Engagement Manager vs an Associate?

Here are my thoughts on travel: 1) Associate & EM: Usually, traveling engagements would make you be out from Monday morning to Thursday nights. Occasionally more for workshops; 2) Partner: Much more travel expected, not only to touch base with the different teams but also to attend client events, etc.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Instituto de Empresa Business School, Amazon, McKinsey & Company

Has anyone tried the new McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game? Any tips/lessons learnt?

If you are into video games, you are in luck! If not, it might be a time to start. Candidates report that the Imbellus assessment reminds them of the popular category of “tower defense” games, in particular, Kingdom Rush and Planet Zoo.

Strategy&, McKinsey & Company

How to answer: Why consulting? Why McKinsey/BCG/Bain?

1) Be specific; 2) Make sure your answers reflect what matters as a consultant; 3) Don't focus on the glamorous aspects of the job; 4) Mention instances where you think consulting has had a big impact on a company or industry and why this is important to your decision making process.

Mastercard, eBay, McKinsey & Company

Market sizing case: How many petrol stations are there in the US?

There are many different ways one can approach this problem. I typically approach this following way: 1) What is the total demand for gas stations?; 2) What is the demand for one gas station?; 3) -> Find the total number of gas stations.

BCG, A.T. Kearney

What do consultancies expect to read in my CV?

Use a simple, yet powerful CV plan: education, professionnal experience, projects and business games (optional), additional capabilities (languages, technology, extracurricular). Keep it simple: Two colours maximum. Highlight the important parts. Do not mess with bold and italic.


Can I get into McKinsey? If so, which position should I consider applying for?

Your career sounds very interesting! In general, the criteria McKinsey is looking at for business students are the following: 1) Being among the top 5% in Bachelor or/and Master degree; 2) Type of business school/university; 3) International experience; 4) Professional experience; 5) Any social activities

KAILUA GmbH, Goeller Consulting & Coaching, McKinsey & Company

How to answer: Give me a reason why I should not put you on a project!

This is a great/tricky question! It's a disguised "weakness" question :) The key here is two-fold: 1) Your weakness isn't really quite a weakness in the right context (e.g. I get really committed and sometimes forget to take care of myself); 2) You've learned (from some interesting experience) how to tame the weakness.

Boston Consulting Group, Custom Case Coach, Appian Corporation

McKinsey hierarchy: What are the different position levels?

The traditional track at McKinsey from bottom to top is Analyst > Associate > Engagement Manager > Associate Partner > Partner. Moving from one position to the next normally takes 1 to 3 years. Each one of the previous role develops from Junior to Senior (e.g. from Junior analyst to Senior analyst).

BCG, Kearney, Vistaprint, Bain & Company

How to answer: What are your weaknesses?

For all the fit interview questions, it is important to have a proper structure to apply in the answer. A good framework would be the following: 1) Say which is a "good" weakness, that is, a weakness which is not a red flag; 2) Say what you are doing to improve it.


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Oft gestellte Fragen

Warum sollten angehende Unternehmensberater PrepLounge nutzen?

Jedes Jahr bewerben sich weltweit mehr als 700.000 Studierende für Praktika und Vollzeitbeschäftigungen bei einer Unternehmensberatung – mit einer Erfolgsrate von deutlich weniger als 10 %. Deshalb sind die Jobangebote besonders stark umkämpft und natürlich versuchen alle Bewerber sich bestmöglich auf das Bewerbungsverfahren vorzubereiten. PrepLounge bietet dir dabei das Material und die Kontakte, um deine Vorbereitungen für das Case-Interview voranzubringen und der Konkurrenz einen entscheidenden Schritt voraus zu sein.

Welche Ressourcen erwarten mich auf PrepLounge?

Um dein volles Potenzial während des echten Interviews ausschöpfen zu können, solltest du deine Vorbereitung auf verschiedene Säulen aufbauen. PrepLounge bietet dir Zugang zu einer riesigen Sammlung an Übungsmaterialien und echten Cases. Starte jetzt und:

Fallen für die Nutzung von PrepLounge auf Dauer Kosten an?

Nein, du kannst selbst entscheiden, ob du dich für eine kostenfreie oder Premium-Mitgliedschaft entscheidest. Wenn du dich kostenlos anmeldest, erhältst du sofort Zugriff auf viele Übungsinhalte und kannst zwölf Probe-Interviews mit anderen Kandidaten durchführen. Wenn du PrepLounge vollumfänglich nutzen möchtest, empfehlen wir dir eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft. Premium-Mitglieder erhalten unbegrenzten Zugriff auf alle Materialien und weitere Vorteile.

Was macht PrepLounge einzigartig?

Auf PrepLounge findest du die größte und aktivste Case-Interview-Community weltweit. Über das Consulting Q&A, werden innerhalb von wenigen Minuten deine Fragen von erfahrenen Coaches beantwortet. Über unser nutzerfreundliches Meeting-Board kannst du ganz einfach und auch kurzfristig Probe-Interviews mit anderen ambitionierten Kandidaten und ehemaligen Unternehmensberatern vereinbaren. Wenn du dich intensiv auf dein Interview vorbereiten und durch regelmäßiges Üben und Feedback deine Case-Skills verbessern möchtest, wirst du online keine bessere Plattform finden. Mach dir einfach selbst ein Bild davon und melde dich kostenfrei bei uns an!

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