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BCG Technology and Digital Advantage

Hello all,

 I will interviewing for BCG TDA in a few weeks, for generalist tech consulting position (which interview format as far i understand can differ from BCG Platinion).

I am wondering if someone got through that process recently and would like to share his/her experience.

I am especially curious about :
 * range of digital topics covered
 * level of digital specificity of the questions / cases (do they get in the nitty gritty details of implementation, providers ?)

Thanks !


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on Nov 28, 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


You are right in that T&DA is not exactly the same as Platinion. BCG now has BCG X which has in part re-grouped what previously was known as Gamma/Plantinion/DV.

T&DA still has roles within the ‘traditional' segment of BCG (not Gamma/PLA/DV), so to answer your questions, assuming you are not being hired on an expert track:

  1. Range of topics
    • Literally everything Tech & Digital is covered here, from customer facing to ops / support functions e.g. Digital Sales/Marketing, Digital ops/I4.0, Digital transformation, Agile @ Scale etc
    • Interviewers at BCG give cases they make themselves, which are often based on actual projects. Therefore it is hard to predict what specific digital topic the case will be about
    • Remember that if you are being hired as a generalist with a PA focus, you are expected to know enough about core Digital concepts/topics but not be a deep content expert in them
  2. Digital specificity
    • Case interviews (even digital ones) are really meant to test critical thinking ability and the ability to think logically in a digital/tech context
      • This means being able to think through strategically how tech interplays with business needs, and not the top 10 providers of X service 
      • I think if you have a certain previous experience or focus area (e.g. I4.0), you should be able to of course list those providers to show you do know the space, but otherwise it is impossible to prepare for all the providers in every angle of Tech/Digital

All the best!



on Nov 24, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach


It's a great idea to reach out here and I hope you get some useful responses from fellow candidates.

But aside from this, I'd recommed you try to network with recent hires at BCG TDA. They would be able to give you a very good understanding of what their recruitment process looked like and what made them successful. That's likely to take your further than something you might learn from fellow candidates currently in the recruitment process. 

Sharing a link on how to source these contacts and then conduct the conversation with them:

Good luck!


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