Hello everyone,
Last Friday I finished my final round of interviews for a Summer 2025 Associate Intern position. For some context, it was 2 back to back interviews - one with a partner and the other with a Managing Director/Partner and head of a global group for BCG.
For the first interview it was with the partner and I know I killed the behavioral portion but did less than ideal on the case portion.
Whereas for my second interview with the MD/P I killed it on both and we ended up clicking super well - even as going as far as having philosophical conversations about fulfillment. Towards the end, the MD/P gave a few hints to me doing super well but it's about to be a week since I've heard anything yet.
I only had an Executive Director view my LinkedIn profile a couple of days ago and yesterday I finally sent an email to my recruiter on a timeline.
Honestly, I've been so antsy these past few days - but in reality, I can't really do anything so I should just stay patient (honestly this post is just for me to cope).
Let me know what you think!
Edit: Got the call today - I got the offer!
When can I expect to hear back from BCG Final/Decision Round for North America Intern

Hi there,
First of all, congratulations on the progress in the application process with BCG thus far!
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your situation:
- It's completely normal to feel nervous after the interviews, but staying patient is indeed the best course of action. Typically, feedback from final interview rounds can take from a few days up to two weeks.
If you would like a more detailed discussion on your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Hi there,
before offer decisions are communicated, they have to be aligned between HR and the interviewers in the process. This can sometimes take time for various reasons. A few common ones are listed below for a general overview:
- internal scheduling conflicts between HR and the interviewers, especially when partners need to be involved
- the firm is still conducting more final round interviews with other candidates and they might want to wait for that to play out to look at the full candidate picture before extending final offers
- offers have been extended to “first choice” candidates and the firm is trying to keep “backup” candidates on hold until they know who accepted and who declined their first batch of offers
- holidays or year-end shutdown delay the decision-making and communication process
- there is uncertainty internally around budget and the exact headcount they can actually hire so they are trying to buy time (not so relevant for internships)
I know that this is unsettling and every candidate wants to have clarity on the status sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, you'll always have to wait for the official word.
However, it is best to just assume a rejection and continue with the recruiting efforts with other firms until you have a written offer in your hands. That way you at least won't lose time.
Best of luck

Hi there,
Q: When can I expect to hear back from BCG Final/Decision Round for North America Intern
In most cases, candidates hear back within one week from the final.
There could be several reasons why they are delaying the call even in case of an offer. For example:
- Partners got busy and cannot align
- HR got busy and did not manage to call
From what you shared, you already followed up with the recruiter, so at this stage I would wait for their reply and I would expect they will let you know soon.
Good luck!

Ah, yes, I know this wait is absolutely the worst.
I waited for 10 days after my final round. Awful.
But the reality is that they haven't forgotten about you. And there's not much that you can do but wait.
Sometimes it takes a while to get all the interviewers on a call to decide about you, plus they sometimes also reassess their hiring needs while doing actual recruiting (which is obviously annoying for candidates because you can also be rejected because they all of a sudden decided to stop hiring).
What I recommend in these situations, if you cannot put your mind to rest, is to at least make progress with other applications to other firms. Worst case scenario, if this application doesn't covert, at least you have other things going for you.

Expect to hear back within one to two weeks after your final round interviews. You did well by emailing the recruiter. Follow up again in a week if you don't hear back.
All the best
Regards, Ashwin

Usually 1 to 2 weeks.