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Visiting Associate offer postponed

BCG covid19
New answer on Nov 30, 2023
9 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on May 25, 2020

Hi everyone,

Just as many other here on this platform, my offer to join BCG as a visiting associate has been affected. Essentially, I have been given 2 options:

1. Go through 2 more rounds of interviews (a. written case and b. partner round). In case I am not successful, I will keep my offer, but it will be postponed to 2021.

2. Pick any starting date in 2021.

I am currently a master's student and have 1 year left of my studies. As I am going on exchange in spring, I would only be able to do my internship in Sep 2021, i.e. the year of my graduation.

I am leaning towards the first option, as it entails that I "worst case" will still do an internship next year. Nevertheless, I am graduating next year and would therefore have preferred to have the internship done this summer. Any advice on how to prepare for the final rounds? I got my offer in spring 2019, so I haven't practiced such cases in a while, especially not written ones...

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Content Creator
replied on May 25, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


THanks for sharing, many people are having similar situations with BCG and other MBBs honestly, and it´s good to see that it´s not isolated cases but an overall trend.

I would go for option 1, since it has very limited downsize -at the end, you are ensuring a job in all options, with better or wrose condictions, but still a job in BCG-. I agree that it was better to do the intership this summer, but this is going to be an extremly bizarre summer for everyone... and a lost one, for most poeple. Hence, your option is not that bad.

However, it also depends on teh stage of prep where you are atm.

Finally, don´t worry so much about written cases, since they are quite similar in concepts and competences tested as the "usual" ones.

Hope it helps!



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Anonymous replied on May 25, 2020

Hi, I would agree with Emily, option 1 seems have a real upside with minimal downside.

Since you pass the previous interview you met the bar just need to reactivate that skill.

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Anonymous replied on May 25, 2020

Hi there,

How much time do you have to prepare for the interview? If the time you have is decent, I'd agree that option 1 seems quite reasonable. Since there is a good upside but no much real downside.

For usual case interviews, the preparation would be similar to what you have gone through in the past. You passed the internship interview before, that means you were good at it. You just need to regain the muscle memory. A couple of good practices should get you back to the right track.

For written case, you need to do some practice so you get familiar to the format before going in. Feel free to PM if you need help.



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Content Creator
replied on May 25, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

thanks for sharing your experience, I am sorry you have to postpone your starting date.

If I understood correctly, option 2 would be equivalent to the worst case of option 1? Then I don’t see issues with going for option 1, unless you don’t have any time to prepare.

In terms of final rounds, I would consider what reported at the following link:

Written cases need specific preparation, as they are quite different from standard cases. You can find some tips on how to prepare at the following link:



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Content Creator
updated an answer on May 26, 2020
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience


While you have to do what is best for yourself, my suggestion would be to do a 2021 start. There appears to be no downside risk to doing a full interview process now, however I don't think that is entirely true. If you do end up performing lower than the bar, even if your offer holds for 2021, there is a chance that you aren't looked at as a strong candidate upon joining the internship.

The bigger reason however is the quality of experience. Any internship today will be virtual, with limited client engagement and the work itself may be quite ambiguous. Assuming a vaccine or cure comes out in the next 6-8 months, your experience next year is likely to be a lot better from a consulting perspective and you will learn a lot more on the job. I understand this internship will be after you graduate but there are many opportunities to convert to full time immediately after the internship or you can also work on something else fun for a year and join BCG after that.

All the best,



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Anonymous C replied on Nov 30, 2023

Unfortunately this is a common situation during the pandemic.

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Content Creator
replied on May 26, 2020
Bain Consultant | Interviewer for 3 years at Bain |Passionate about coaching |I will make you a case interview Rockstar


I would argue that going with option 1 would be the best option if your goal is to do the internship this year and convert it to a full-time offer with BCG for the year after.

I would just be prepared for the fact that the bar will be high for securing the visiting associate offer this year and ensure you are very well prepared for the additional two rounds of interviews. Especially for the written case which will be quite a different experience than the normal case interview!


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Anonymous replied on May 26, 2020

Dear A,

My congratulations to your offer from BCG! This is already a great job! In this situation you can only win. I would strongly recommend you to go for the option 1 and to intensively prepare yourself to refresh ll your knowledge and pay yourself for the second and third interview round at BCG. Because you can only win in this situation, there is nothing to lose.

If you want, I can easily help you to secure your offer after the interview with tailored preparations for the written case and final round with partner.

Feel free to reach out.

Good luck,

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Content Creator
updated an answer on May 26, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate
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