Anyone knows if the case of the First round interview Is general or related to the practice you are applying on ( e.j. Risk )?
Thank you
Anyone knows if the case of the First round interview Is general or related to the practice you are applying on ( e.j. Risk )?
Thank you
Hey there,
It will be a mix of cases in a domain-relevant context as well as cases set in a completely different context.
Be aware that frameworks were applicable in the 2000 years, the era of Victor Cheng and Case in Point. McK has long caught up on this and the cases you will get during the interviews are tailored in a way to test your creativity and ability to generate insights, not remember specific frameworks.
In fact, it will hurt you when you try to use a framework on a case that calls for a completely different approach. Also, it gives a false sense of security that will translate to stress once you figure out how your approach won't work during the real interview - I have seen this so many times...
Your goal should be to learn how to build issue trees, interpret charts, and perform math no matter the context, industry, or function of the case. I have a system for that, especially for McKinsey cases, that teaches you exactly this approach + a ton of exercises I give my coachees to progress their ability to come up with deep, broad, and insightful answers for each case individually.
If you want to learn how to approach McKinsey cases, check out the article I wrote here: https://www.preplounge.com/en/mckinsey-interview
Unfortunately both but if you are applying to a specific functional or industry practice, I would definitely make sure you are comfortable with relevant cases. If your interviewer is from that practice, which isn't always the case, there is a tendency they will use a case from the relevant area.
Hi, the probability of getting practice-specific cases is higher but you have to expect also generalist cases, therefore I recommend a classical preparation with an emphasis on the practice you are applying for.
There's somewhat of a higher probability that you'll get a case related to the practice you apply for, but it is not guaranteed, so it is always best to be flexible and practice different types of cases (perhaps putting the main focus on cases related to your practice).
Hi there,
I helped a good number of candidates interviewing for the Digital and Operation practices at McKinsey. They got cases related to those practices, but that was not always the case - they also got unrelated cases.
Hope this helps,
I have coached many candidates applying to a specific practice and there really is no clear correlation for the first round. Where it does matter more is any round where partners are involved who tend to give cases based on their own experience.
Hi there,
The answer is both! Unfortunately you have to be prepared for both general cases and industry/function specific cases if you're coming into a specific practice.
That's precisely why I've created specialist hire cases: