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What can I expect concerning the work-life-balance?

Neue Antwort am 26. Feb. 2021
1 Antwort
Anonym A fragte am 26. Feb. 2021

Hi, how many hours can I expect to work at DHLC and how much time do you usually spend at the client? Is it the usual 4 days at the client and 1 day at home?

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Alina antwortete am 26. Feb. 2021
Associate Consultant

I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but all I can say is that it truly depends on the project and current workload/timeline of the project. I've had 60h weeks, but that is not typical and will most likely only happen during the most stressfull project phases, like right before a big board presentation. In general I would estimate around 50h/week.

Due to COVID, we have switched most client projects to a virtual/remote setting as well - meaning most, if not all all, client meetings will take place virtually. Therefore, we are not necessariliy spending Mo-Th at the client site. Nevertheless, those are the days where we would focus on client work, using Friday to mainly catch up on internal ToDos, admin tasks, weekly planning etc. Also, Office Fridays before lockdown were perfect to socialize and meet your colleagues :)

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