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Roland Berger Interview Process

Dear all, 

Do you have experience with the Roland Berger Interview Process and how it differs from the one at BCG or McK? 

From what I gathered RB is said to be more maths and business-heavy in the cases - do you share this impression? 

Thank you!

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on Mar 12, 2024
Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe

Hi there,

in addition to all the comments and explanations, find below a few practice cases that are representative of the Roland Berger style:


Anonymous B
on Mar 01, 2016

I found two main differences between the interviews at RB and AT Kearney/BCG:

1.: RB makes you do a computer-based test (numerical, verbal, figurative), so a classic IQ/GMAT test. You need to reach a certain score there to pass to the next round. Although BCG also has their 'online case', it is less of a classic test format and more problem solving/maths/understanding the case. Also the online case at BCG apparently is less important than the interviews, whilst at RB it is weighed equally.

2: The interviews at RB are split between personal fit and case. So you have one 1-hour interview just on your CV, personal fit, etc., and one 1-hour interview just on a case (of course with a really brief personal part in the beginning, kind of 'get to know you'). I found the case to be quite different from the regular cases, more focused on techncial knowledge and details and less on strategy. I didn't have to do any maths (one multiplication), but have heard from others the same day that they had a lot of calculations.

What this means for your preparation: if you are not confident in tests and the pressure they entail, it might be good to practice. For the case, try and really get your technical skills (in your field) straight, maybe read some old textbooks etc..

on Oct 19, 2018
Hi, Thank you for poroviding this detailed comparison. I was wondering what do you mean by technical knowledge? My background is not business or finance. So I was wondering how much business knowledge I should gather until my interview? The interview is next week, shall I focus more on practicing cases, or more learning background? Thanks!
on Feb 29, 2016

From what I heard, RBs Cases are more focused on the inclusion of technical facts than most of the others are...  I will be able to tell you next Monday ;-)

Anonymous C
on Mar 01, 2016


I had an interview with Roland Berger in London last year and I can tell you that for the case interview, I wouldn't swallow an old text book as the case itself will require to do alot of thinking on your feet! There's just no way to 'prepare' for it in that sense.

My best advice would be structure your approach to solving the case and to ask pertinent questions as you go along. The case is pretty straightforward if you can think critically on your feet and show them how you got there rather than focusing on methodologies. 

I hope this helps!


on Feb 29, 2016

Many thanks, Lukas, and good luck for Monday! In case you could post an update after your interview, that would be great! 

on Feb 29, 2016

+1 for an update after your interview. Thanks :-)

on Feb 29, 2016

Same here! Would be greatly appreciated :)

on Aug 16, 2020
Professional full-time coach|50+ happy clients in 12 months|Ex Roland Berger PM & Recruiter|Networking to get interviews

Dear A,

I was fully explained the whole inetrview process with the Roland Berger here

Since I was based at RB Headquarters in Munich for a long time and was part of the recruiting team, so I can give you the first-hand information.


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