Hi, I just passed my first round at McKinsey and will soon have my final round. One feedback I got from my interview is that I should dig deeper, find nuances that aren't so obvious.
What'd be the best way to improve based on such feedback?
Hi, I just passed my first round at McKinsey and will soon have my final round. One feedback I got from my interview is that I should dig deeper, find nuances that aren't so obvious.
What'd be the best way to improve based on such feedback?
Digging deeper can be done in the following ways
1. What is the so what? You have arrived at the answer and solved the problem - what is the implication of it? Does it impact any previous findings?
2. What can you consider that is not immediately obvious? Do the charts convey a pattern you could have missed? Especially look for continuity/connection across questions
3. Go one step further in your conclusions. For example if 2 players in a market have the same profit maybe this is a perfectly competitive market and not a good one to enter etc.
All the best for your final round!
Several things here:
Huge congratulations on successfully passing the first round of your McK interview - amazing! And great that you're trying to dig deeper into your feedback :) So... digging deeper, finding nuances and the non-obvious - what that sounds like is you did a good job, but they are looking to see 1. more diversity in your thinking; and 2. more persistence. So you likely caught the expected, but they weren't blown away by anything extra-ordinary. Here are some suggestions that may help:
Hope that helps. Reach out if you have further questions. And all the very best with your final round! :)
Hi Anonymous,
I agree with the existing answers to your questions. Based on your short summary of the situation it sounds to me that you might have understood something on the level of the surface within the case ("the symptom"), but you did not manage to "dig deeper" and understand the underlying root cause about it.
Based no experience this is oftenly the transition from a quantitative understanding (the revenue of segment x was falling by y%) to the qualititatve understanding of WHY this has actually happened in reality (e.g. your client had a restructuring of production facilities and encountered issues in their supply chain, thus was not able to produce and deliver the quantity asked by the market.
Hope that helps as additional clarification!