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MBB - Middle East (Offers and Interviews) Post COVID-19

MBB mbb offer McKinsey
New answer on Apr 30, 2020
6 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Apr 14, 2020

I am due to start with MBB firm in June 2020. I was wondering if anyone in the Middle East has actually started working remotely or if their offers have been postponed? If it's been postponed, what is the new joining date?

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Content Creator
replied on Apr 15, 2020
150+ interviews | 6+ years experience | Bain, Kearney & Accenture | Exited startup| London Business School

Thus far we have been honoring the contracts that were already signed. However, given the current situation this will be quite fluid and might change over the next few weeks.

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Anonymous B on Apr 15, 2020

Since you work for Kearney, are you speaking specifically for Kearney? Or do you also have information on MBB through the grapevine? Thank you!


Anonymous replied on Apr 15, 2020

Hey A,

my mentee at RB Dubai started mid of March remotely. 2 other mentees are about to start in Fall 2020 at Strategy &. At the moment everything is as planned.

In your case you will other start remotely working from home or will be asked to start a few months later this year after the situation clears up.

Good luck,


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Anonymous B replied on Apr 15, 2020

I have no answer for you as I'm in the same boat (starting at a Dubai MBB in June) - will follow your post for updates.

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Content Creator
replied on Apr 15, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


I don´t think they will rescind, but maybe postpone.

Best thing is to reach HR, they will have updates and will understand your need to know asap to re-adapt to the new situation.

Best of luck,


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Content Creator
replied on Apr 30, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached


It is extremely unlikely that a MBB will rescind a the contract, if it's a full-time offer. Yet, it would be quite difficult to start working from remotely and also considering that they have no capacity problem in this period they will probably postpone your entrance if you can not reach the office.


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Content Creator
replied on Apr 30, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

unfortunately, nobody now is able to predict the precise effects on each business. The 2 true facts today are that interviews are taking place regularly but online instead than face to face, and that many new consulting projects are being paused. Therefore if this lockdown continues for long it can cause a shrinking in new hires.


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