We are in Finland and want to sell Golf balls in US. How much money we can possible make there?
Please tell me what flaws are in my structure
My approach is:
1) calculate our target customers: US population (300M) , divide into those who can afford to play golf >100k$ yearly income, which is 10% of total population = 30M , now lets divide it by ages, given lifetime is 75 years, 2M each age range. Our customers are 40-50 y/o guys, which is 20M people (10 years * 2M)
2) calculate average ball cost, lets say 1 ball costs 3$, and we want to sell it cheaper in order to attract people, thus we sell it for 2$, which 1$ of them is cost. So, our pure profit is 1$/ball
1$ * 20m(people) = 20M $ * 3 balls a year (average person purchases) = 60M$ a year our profit