Any advice on how to prepare for the LEK online assessment for the Associate Generalist position in the London office? Any online sources?
Any advice on how to prepare for the LEK online assessment for the Associate Generalist position in the London office? Any online sources?
Hi there,
Honestly, all of these online tests are very similar
Format? Somewhat different. Content and what's required from you ability-wise? Essentially the same.
The best way is to really find online tests / questions and practice. Regardless as to whether is a new or old test, the principles are mostly the same:
Think of it as a merge of a case and the GMAT/GRE.
You need to be clear on some key case-related and account formulas (margin, growth, breakeven, etc) as well as be good at critically understanding the question (including nuance to questions) and parsing through complicated text with a fair amount of distraction.
You'll also need to be good at chart/graph reading.
The (old) McKinsey PST, BCG Online Test, Bain SOVA test, etc. are all quite similar so leverage resources across all of them.
Hi there!
No specific ones from my side, but try to reach out to some of the recent hires on Linkedin (ideally some that you share something in common with, such as the university you went to) and connect with them over a call. Here's how to do it:
Try to get a sense from them of what helped them in terms of preparing during the recruitment process. You don't have to be direct and ask them about the actual questions during the online assessment, but see what sort of guidance they could give you to calibrate your approach.
Aside from this, reach out to the recruiter and proactively ask for more questions regarding the format of the test. The content should be a surprise, of course, but not the format. Knowing that will help you be more targeted with your preparation.
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Hi there,
First of all, congratulations on the invitation from LEK!
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:
If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.