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Estimate the number of whatsapp messages sent per day?

estimation guess-estimates Market sizing
New answer on Jun 06, 2024
22 Answers
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PK asked on Apr 15, 2020
Director of Product at PayPal. Based in SF. Worked at Twitter, Yelp, Salesforce, Houzz in the past.

Clarifying Question:

  1. Considering it is for global users across the world

  2. Across mobile platforms (ios and android)

  3. Referring to text messages specifically and not gifs, video or voice calls

Total Messages Sent Per day = Messages sent in Developed world + Developing world + underdeveloped world per day

# of messages sent per day = # of users in every market x average messages sent per user.

World Population 7B, 50% internet penetration → 3.5B

Assuming Whatsapp has 50% penetration in the messaging space → 1.7B users

20% of the world is in developed world, 60% in developing countries, 20% in under developed countries. Assuming the same distribution holds for WhatsApp in these markets

Whatsapp developed user count → 0.2 x 1.7B → 340M users

Whatsapp developed user count → 0.6 x 1.7B → 1B users

Whatsapp developed user count → 0.6 x 1.7B → 340M users

Users in developed countries are reasonable users of WhatsApp but not as strong as developing countries. In general, I would assume 30% of their phone/text conversation happen on whatsapp. Rest happens on iMessage/android SMS, or messenger.

Assuming an average developed country user sends 10 unique messages/day → 3 of them happen on WhatsApp.

Users in developing countries tend to use WhatsApp the most and it accounts for 80% of their conversations. Assuming they send 15 messages per day, 80% of them come on whatsapp → 12 messages.

Users in underdeveloped countries tend to use WhatsApp a lot due to its free nature and it accounts for 80% of their conversations. Assuming they send 5 messages per day, 80% of them come on whatsapp → 4 messages.

Total Messages Sent --> Messages sent in Developed world + Developing world + underdeveloped world per day

→ (340M x 3) + (12x1B) + (340M x 4)

→ 14.4B messages are sent per day on whatsapp

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Content Creator
replied on Apr 15, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut

Hello PK,

I have alredy answered to some of your questions regarding market sizing, they are truly interesting.

I believe tought you always have the same flaw: you only consider one of the two big segments (personal vs. professional users)

In this case, for instance, you assume they are only private users.

Hope it helps!



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rimi sen on Oct 26, 2023

good answer.


Anonymous C on Dec 12, 2023

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amanda on Jan 15, 2024

Hi Clara, Thanks for your insights! It's valuable to consider both personal and professional user segments for a comprehensive market analysis. Your perspective adds depth to our understanding. Cheers! FM Whatsapp Apk Best, PK

replied on Apr 18, 2020
Hi I am actively preparing for cases since this May, please feel free to reach out!

Hey there,

Just need to remind you that WhatsApp is not officially allowed in China, so you need to deduct 1.4B out of 7.0B of the world population. Otherwise, you will always overestimate the number when you make an assumption on the penetrations later on.



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RUBEN on Apr 19, 2020

Hi Jing, thanks for the information. I have done the case myself and I also had the same idea as you. However, my results are very sensitive on the assumption of the # of messages an individual sends per day. My assumption is an average of 20 messages for normal users and 60 messages for individuals that use it for business communications. I would like to see if someone has an idea to provide an estimation which is a little bit more solid. Best

Aashvi on Mar 30, 2024

It is difficult to estimate the daily volume of WhatsApp messages transmitted because user activity and growth rates fluctuate. But according to latest statistics, WhatsApp handles more than 100 billion messages per day. This astounding number highlights the platform's widespread use around the world and its crucial function in contemporary communication, demonstrating society's reliance on instant messaging for social interactions and information sharing.

Phill replied on Jun 06, 2024

To estimate the number of WhatsApp messages sent per day, we start by considering the active user base of WhatsApp. As of 2024, WhatsApp boasts approximately 2.5 billion active users worldwide. Next, we estimate the average number of messages each user sends daily. Various reports and surveys suggest that an average WhatsApp user sends around 40 messages per day. By multiplying the number of active users (2.5 billion) by the average number of messages per user (40), we arrive at the total number of messages sent daily on WhatsApp. This calculation gives us an impressive figure of 100 billion messages sent per day on WhatsApp. This estimation combines large-scale user engagement with frequent daily messaging, highlighting WhatsApp's significant role in global communication. 

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updated an answer on Apr 15, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


You forgot that many users use whatsup for business needs as a corporate messenger. You will be surprised how popular it is. So I would increase the usage in developing countries even further making the business usage a separate part of the analysis



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priya replied on Jan 01, 2024

Estimating the number of WhatsApp messages sent daily is challenging due to the platform's immense user base and constant growth. With billions of active users globally, it's safe to assume that millions, if not billions, of messages are exchanged daily, showcasing the app's unparalleled popularity in modern communication.

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Avery on Feb 18, 2024

WhatsApp's ubiquity in global communication makes estimating its daily message count daunting. With billions of active users, the platform's popularity suggests an exchange of millions, if not billions, of messages daily, highlighting its pivotal role in modern connectivity.

Content Creator
replied on Apr 16, 2020
150+ interviews | 6+ years experience | Bain, Kearney & Accenture | Exited startup| London Business School


You are indeed missing out on the business segment. Moreover, this segment consists of two chunks. The first one being automated messages (e.g. airlines sending your boarding pass) and the second is interaction (e.g. customer service).

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John replied on Jun 06, 2024

Estimating the daily WhatsApp message count is vital for understanding global communication trends. With Terabox, we can analyze vast data sets to gauge the approximate number of messages exchanged daily. This insight aids in optimizing platform infrastructure and enhancing user experiences.

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Anonymous G replied on Apr 08, 2024

14.4B messages are sent per day on whatsapp.


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Anonymous F replied on Jan 24, 2024

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chris on Jan 24, 2024

AI Death Calculator – a cutting-edge tool providing personalized insights into life expectancy based claude ai


Anonymous E updated the answer on Dec 29, 2023

Estimating the number of WhatsApp messages sent daily is challenging due to constant growth. As of 2022, it was over 100 billion messages per day. This staggering figure reflects the app's integral role in global communication, fostering connections, sharing moments, and facilitating conversations on an unprecedented scale. FM Whatsapp Download



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Anonymous D replied on Dec 13, 2023

As of my last update in 2022,GB WhatsApp sees an estimated 100 billion messages sent per day globally. This number fluctuates, reflecting the platform's widespread use for communication across the world. 

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Content Creator
replied on Apr 30, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

Hi, I think it is a good approach. Always try to stay in 20 minutes and - if needed - accelerate some estimations by asking to the interviewer


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Arshi updated an answer on Apr 10, 2023

Wow! This analysis shows that a staggering 14.4 billion text messages are sent every day on WhatsApp worldwide!


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Leenaa on Mar 24, 2023

Hi You're right, that's what i saw too


John on Nov 04, 2023

Damn, I really don't know about this. Are there any other topics like this one? I am really surprised after trying this.

Anonymous B replied on Nov 25, 2023

mobile platforms (iOS, Android), and focusing on text messages, not multimedia, approximately 14.4 billion messages are sent daily on WhatsApp FM. This calculation considers user distribution across developed, developing, and underdeveloped regions, factoring in varying usage patterns based on WhatsApp's prevalence in each ma

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Avery on Feb 28, 2024

The sheer volume of text messages exchanged on WhatsApp FM daily underscores its global impact and the pivotal role of mobile platforms in communication. This statistic highlights WhatsApp's ubiquity across diverse regions and its significance in connecting people worldwide.

David Simth replied on Jul 15, 2023

Hello, You can send unlimmited messages in WhatsApp except the countries which are blocked.  Some other alternative version have have features to send blocked countries like YO WhatsApp.  

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floraoliviaa replied on Jan 18, 2023

How can I do it for the OGWA..?

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Mirza99 on Jun 28, 2024

Estimating WhatsApp's daily message count is indeed challenging due to its vast and growing user base. However, it's clear that billions of messages are exchanged daily, highlighting the app's dominant role in global communication.Fm Whatsapp

Albert replied on Dec 18, 2022

Not possible keep the record of per day WhatsApp messages because WhatsApp don't have such feature like this but there is a way to keep the track of daily messages by using this application which I don't suggest you to use.

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Azaad on May 04, 2023

I downloaded multiple WhatsApp Mods from and tried to check in each but couldn't found this feature including the one you mentioned.


Natasha78 on Jun 23, 2023

FM WhatsApp is a fantastic messaging program that improves the user experience with customizable features and enhanced privacy settings. It's unquestionably my preferred method of seamless communication and personalization.


yulia on Aug 11, 2023

I downloaded yowhatsapp and it does a good job with some of the privacy aspects!

Gianna on Apr 30, 2024

GB WhatsApp is a modified version of the popular messaging app, offering additional features like custom themes, privacy options, and more. While it provides users with enhanced functionalities, it's essential to be cautious about potential security risks and compatibility issues. Always ensure you download from a trusted source and weigh the pros and cons before opting for such third-party applications.GB Whatsapp


Anonymous B replied on Mar 20, 2023

you can send sms unlimited, with a lot of features in whatsapp.

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Anonymous C on Dec 24, 2023

Notwithstanding, throughout recent days numerous clients have been revealing issues with getting to the application and talking with their artificial intelligence colleagues. claudeai

Anonymous C replied on Dec 04, 2023

In a world spilling over with abundance, we organized quality items sacrosanct with multi-purposes to support the specialty of claiming less.

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sarika78 on Jan 11, 2024

It is difficult to pinpoint a precise number, but as of January 2022—when I last updated my knowledge—WhatsApp was handling more than 100 billion messages day worldwide. This figure could have grown considerably since then given its ongoing expansion. The widespread use of WhatsApp for communication makes it a vital platform in today's interconnected world.

hazle replied on Nov 10, 2023

Wow! This analysis shows that a staggering 14.4 billion text messages are sent every day worldwide!


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sarika78 on Jan 28, 2024

Whoa! According to this data, 14.4 billion text messages are delivered globally each day.


Anonymous C on May 03, 2024

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Anonymous I 23 hours ago

In this article you have given very good information about downloading GBWhatsapp APK. We liked this information of yours very much, keep bringing such information always. Ayesha.

tracyberge updated an answer on Nov 17, 2023

Honestly thank you so much for your page.


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Natasha78 replied on May 17, 2023

hello guys,

       Estimating the exact number of WhatsApp messages sent per day is challenging, as it depends on various factors such as the global user base, individual usage patterns, and geographic distribution. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, WhatsApp reported processing over 100 billion messages per day. Considering the continuous growth in its user base and increased adoption of messaging apps, it is likely that the number of messages sent on WhatsApp has further increased. This immense volume of daily messages reflects the widespread reliance on the platform for communication, connecting people across the globe.

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