Could the concept of core competences be considered the same or similar to “added value” of a company?

Core competences vs. Added value

Hi there!
They are slightly different.
Core competences are the core things that an entity performs well.
Added value is rather the consequence of the things that they do well.
I put together all the core terms you need to know for your interviews in the following resource:
Practicing for interviews? Check out my latest case based on a first-round MBB interview >>> SoyTechnologies

They are similar in that core competencies are what allows a company to add value! Ian's example is spot on in this regard.

Hi there,
Definitely a similar concept! It's core competences that they allow them to deliver added value.
For example, my core competencies are my consulting skills and teaching skills, both of which come from my past.
The added value of me is drastically increasing the chances of you getting an offer, and this added value is me teaching you the skills/thinking required to do it.
See what I did there? :P