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Chances of getting MBB after GEMBA INSEAD?

BCG McKinsey and Bain insead MBB
New answer on Feb 10, 2024
6 Answers
Anonymous A asked on Jan 21, 2024

hi there, 

38 this year, been a trader in oil industry over 12 years. applied for Insead GEMBA Asia and offered interview. interested to get into MBB (or boutique consulting generally) what are my chances to get offered/looked at/considered by the firms?

ive handled big projects (implemented and improved systems) and contract negotiations for govt contracts while working for a conglomerate. high performer and led small team before. basically had positions on the producer's end to end user (sell and buy and everything in between), also had experience in oil futures trading; was a specialist for new fuels/alternative fuels business development, carbon/emission trading. have general knowledge of sustainability financing. 


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Content Creator
replied on Jan 22, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there!

You have a cool profile. 

They would definitely be interested in somebody like you at manager level, especially if you apply to the relevant practices within the firms. In that sense, you could go in as a specialist/expert instead of a generalist consultant, taking advantage of the fact that you already have a knowledge base and, thus, a value proposition. 

You need to come up with a short list of target firms and roles (feel free to reach out for a template) and then start contacting the respective recruiters to figure out what their hiring availability is. 

After that, it's about networking and building a proper application package to pass screening with multiple firms. Then come the actual interview for which you need to prep. 

Sharing with you a couple of articles that you might find useful if you're thinking of applying:



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Anonymous A on Jan 22, 2024

hi Cristian, thank you for you input. I will be sure to reach out to you when the right opportune comes. need to cross the interview barrier before I hype myself up for the GEMBA journey. with that said, I'm pretty realistic with my hopes getting into consulting or even MBB. (though this is the whole reason why I'm doing the GEMBA but does not equate to end of the world if I fall short). thank you once again!

Cristian on Jan 22, 2024

You're welcome and good luck!

Content Creator
replied on Jan 22, 2024
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Q: Applied for Insead GEMBA Asia and offered interview. Interested to get into MBB (or boutique consulting generally) what are my chances to get offered/looked at/considered by the firms?

Before investing time and money in an EMBA, I would recommend (i) networking/finding a referral and (ii) applying for a position there, ideally for an expert role in the O&G practice. If it does work, you can join immediately. If it doesn’t work, you might consider the EMBA as a backup.

In terms of whether an EMBA is a good path in your case, I would check on LinkedIn the exits in your target region for people who have pursued it – this should give you a data-driven answer.

You can find more on networking and referrals below:

How to Get an MBB Invitation

Hope this helps,


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Anonymous A on Jan 22, 2024

hi Francesco, ive applied with boutique consulting firm for the experienced hire in the field of energy but was rejected. the employer did not provide much information as to why I am not selected. the scope of work they have posted was exactly what I have experience in but to no luck. my concern is if I continue to find genuine connections and hoping someone would pity me and get me an interview I would have reached 40s and would still be sitting here wondering would it been different if I took GEMBA, thus decided to take the plunge and get myself in first and consider all else later. Afterall graduating with the certificate would better my chances (not 100%) to climb up the corporate ladder and/or get to know like minded people and start something together.


Francesco on Jan 22, 2024

Hi there, I see. If you already applied to all targets (you mentioned boutique but there might be others to consider), it is fine to consider a different plan. On the other hand, the reason for the rejection might not be necessarily your background, but the application material (CV) and lack of referrals. It should not take long to find referrals and proceed to apply through them (based on my experience, it requires a couple of weeks). In terms of the master, if you see that there is evidence that the EMBA works for a transition for profiles similar to yours, then it could be a good path, but I would try to get the data from LinkedIn first. You might also proceed at the same time with both the consulting applications and the EMBA application, and keep the EMBA as backup if the consulting applications don't work out. Hope this helps, for additional questions please feel free to PM me.

replied on Jan 21, 2024
Expert coach | Head of recruiting for Bain | 8+ years interviewing | Free intro call

Hi there,


INSEAD and Bain alumnus here.


I don’t recall Bain looking at GEMBAs, or any Exec MBAs, as hires in my time there, nor did I get the impression the GEMBA was orientated towards career changers.


You should be able to find out for sure by contacting the INSEAD admissions department, who will have all the stats on post-GEMBA career paths.


From the brief that you’ve provided, my suggestion would be to approach the O&G practices of the MBBs directly and look for an expert-type role (vs generalist) at an EM or AP level.




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Anonymous A on Jan 22, 2024

hi Brad, thanks for your input. ive spoken with the admission team at Insead however the answer is always "through connections and campus hires, networking and get noticed" sort of answers. in the case of mid career changes, getting into consulting would be considered an "experienced hire". agree on your point GEMBA is not for career change (other than the MBA) the sch did share of people that changed all 3 sectors, though small %, and possibilities of changing career path. I wish to perform my own litmus test instead of wholeheartedly listening to the school's fb.


Content Creator
replied on Jan 22, 2024
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hey there,

Best way to answer these questions on your own with 5 minute of research time:

  • Go on LinkedIn and check who has done the respective program and works at firm X. Is this common or not? Do the ones that made the move have something else on their resume that makes them stand out?
  • If there are people with the same move, reach out to them and directly ask them about their experience.

All the best,


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Anonymous A on Jan 22, 2024

hi Florian, thank you for the suggestion. I guess in a perfect world these people will lend a hand and guide me to the right path but majority would ignore me. tried linking up with a managing partner in a boutique energy firm but was flaked when I invited him for a coffee. it will be a lost cause if I continue in that direction. I guess to speak their lingo u have to "be a part of them" I guess getting in to EMBAs would put my closer with them although I understand people will still look at me differently given that I'm from EMBA instead of MBA.

Florian on Jan 22, 2024

Hi :-) I would see if you reach out to 5 people, at least two are happy to talk about their experience! If not, reach out to 10. If you can't find 10 people on that path, then you already have your answer to the initial question. All the best, Florian

Anonymous B replied on Feb 10, 2024

hi guys, 

just want to give an update. spoken with a fellow Inseader alumnus and he confirmed it is possible to enter MBB albeit not easy but not entirely impossible. Someone from an oil majors entered as a director level hire with Bain after graduating from GEMBA. 

to those that are keen to know if its possible, here you go. 

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Content Creator
replied on Jan 22, 2024
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

The always is almost always going to be “you have a shot”. Ultimately it's going to come down to how well you've created/positioned your resume, how well you have networking + attended events, timing, office selection, case/interview performance, and a bit of luck.

In particular, if you recruit for roles + regions where O&G and energy are more prevalent (Houston, Middle East, even, Singapore (trading), etc.), then your odds will be better!

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Anonymous A on Jan 22, 2024

hi Ian, yes that's what I was considering. aiming for career change after graduate, worse off, I may be in better position in terms of career progression as well as starting something interesting myself with like minded alumnus or batch mates. I was based in Dubai for awhile back then and I would say both SG and UAE have many untapped opportunities in terms of new fuels and alternatives. thank you for your input.

Cristian gave the best answer


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