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Bain ME associate consultant intern SOVA


I applied to bain Middle East for Riyadh on the 23rd of November and received the SOVA test on the 28th, I finished it on the 30th 

I have a couple of questions 

1- does this mean I passed the initial cv test? 
2- when could I expect to hear back by? as I havent heard anything yet?

3- what kind of interviews should I expect? Someone said market sizing, fit and case, what would be the difference between market sizing and case? and are these 3 interviews on the same day usually or different days 

thank you!

3 Answers
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Top answer
on Dec 06, 2023
Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe


  1. You have to pass the CV and SOVA test screening before getting an interview invite - you might want to consider it an aggregate stage where it doesn't matter if you already passed one or the other. The overall result needs to suffice to advance to the next stage
  2. It could be any moment now but I would imagine that they will want to address the remaining recruiting pipeline before the new year starts
  3. Expect the same kind of interviews you would have at any Tier 1 or 2 consulting firm. There will be personal fit components as well as case interviews. Market sizing can be a case type or a part of a case. But there are many other cases that might not require market sizing. Find an example below for practice

Fingers crossed that you will receive positive news

on Dec 06, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach


I wouldn't assume that you passed the screening. 

Most offices actually decide who they invite to the interview after judging the application (CV, CL) AND the test results. So you'll probably head back from this soon. 

Timing wise, I'd expect before the holidays. 

In terms of the format of the interview, you're on the right track but do ask the recruiter directly. They often change the format of the interview and it does differ between regions and roles, so it's best to get your info straight from the source.

Hope you hear from them soon!


on Dec 06, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

1- does this mean I passed the initial cv test? 

Whether you did or you didn't, you need to pass the SOVA test. Depending on the recruiting channel, role, etc. the SOVA is either part of the initial screen or part of the 2nd screening. Either way, it's a screening that assesses your overall application! (Resume, referral, supply/demand, etc.)

2- when could I expect to hear back by? as I havent heard anything yet?

Tomorrow. Or next year. It truly depends. Be ready. You want to be 80% case ready when you apply so that you are ready to go when they do reach out. The average is a couple of weeks (with high standard deviation)

3- what kind of interviews should I expect? Someone said market sizing, fit and case, what would be the difference between market sizing and case? and are these 3 interviews on the same day usually or different days 

All 3 of fit, market sizing, and case.

Expect any case type. I have real questions from Bain from my candidates interviewing, and I can tell you right now that they are across a wide range of industries and topics.

Please read the below to help!


How to Shift Your Mindset to Ace the Case

Candidate-Led Cases: What to Expect With Example Cases


Tell Me About Yourself – Interview Questions


Market Sizing Help (Do this + watch the video explainers)


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