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Additional credit volume for a bank when listed on a comparison portal

Market sizing
Recent activity on Nov 12, 2018
1 Answer
2.0 k Views
Samuel asked on Nov 11, 2018

Dear preplounge community,

I hope you can inspire me with some of your thoughts, as I am still struggling a lot with solving this market sizing case.

Starting point: The client is a leading online credit intermediary, i.e. the company has an online platform (comparison portal) on which private consumers are offered loans from banks. There are 2 competitors with mainly the same portfolio of banks.

Question: What is the monthly additional credit volume a bank can attain when our client includes it on its platform?

Thanks a lot in advance - very interested in your approaches!


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Best answer
Anonymous replied on Nov 12, 2018


that is a difficult question which in my view can't be answered just like that. Because it would hugely depend on the condition that the bank is offering - if those are shit, being listed does not bring them one bit of business.

So the key work will me making assumptions on how the bank is positioned vs. the competing banks on the platform.



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Samuel on Nov 12, 2018

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