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Transfer from ME to Europe

Bain & Company BCG location McKinsey transfer
New answer on Apr 11, 2024
3 Answers
Anonymous A asked on Apr 10, 2024

Hello everyone,

I’m a post-MBA consultant in the Middle East and I’m seeking to switch to Europe (either London or Paris offices). I was wondering is it common among consultants to transfer? What are my chances to pass screening in MBBs coming from T2? 

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replied on Apr 10, 2024
Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe

Hi there,

it is not unusual for consultants to transfer between different countries - I did that myself and it was a great experience.

The easiest way to transfer internationally is probably to do that internally in the company you already work for (assuming they have a presence in your desired location). Because then you have the company support for all the admin stuff involved.

If you are looking to transfer outside of your company and apply to other companies at your target offices directly, it can be a lot harder, especially if you don't already have a working permit and would require visa sponsorship. That will depend on the individual firm and country organization as to whether they are generally willing to sponsor that.

It is not uncommon that consultants from Tier 2 firms end up joining MBB as experienced hires. You will likely not get hired into the exact same seniority level though. But the best chance of making it to the first round interviews is securing an internal referral. Especially in your case as you are not only applying from a Tier 2 but also from a different geographical region. So having an internal advocate for your case will boost your chances.

Best of luck

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replied on Apr 11, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Transferring is rather easy to do once you have at least 2 years of tenure. 

The main thing you need to work on is a strong pull - meaning, 1-3 Partners from your target office that really want you and can make a case for you. 

If you don't have that, it's going to be a pain. 

Aside from this, your chances of passing screening are high if you've already been in T2. You're then making a lateral move between firms and have everything to recommend you as being a great consultant. 

Just make sure that you get referrals to maximise your chances of passing screening. If you don't know people in the MBBs, here's how you could leverage LinkedIn to find them:


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replied on Apr 11, 2024
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

It's possible, but not easy. Easier if you are expertise in a sought-after topic.

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