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Tier 2 Consulting in Saudi Arabia

I'm a black woman considering moving from the a tier 2 consulting firm in US to another tier 2 consulting firm in KSA. I would have never considered such a move, but the offer is too good to not seriously consider. As someone from outside the region, what should I know before making such a move? What should I know about the conservative nature of the region and how will it affect my day-to-day? 

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on Jan 28, 2022
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Speaking openly, even as a white man I personally wouldn't move/live there - and I've lived happily in different cultures around the world (France, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, US).

Please don't take anything I say here for critiquing - every nation and group of people have a right to their rules, laws, and way of viewing the world. And I love this about humanity! There are pros and cons to every way of life (as an American I actually really don't like America's culture). That said, Saudi Arabia's values, rules, leadership personally don't match me and I imagine you would struggle immensely as a black woman from the US.

The legal system is Sharia law. Remember that women were just given the right to drive 1-2 years ago and it was the last country to give this right (and there are still many stipulations to this). My understanding is you will have to wear a full hijab when there.

Of course I've also been informed of plenty of positive aspects as well (respect, caring for family, relationship building, etc). However, I can't recall any Western female friend/family member I know who has had a good experience there or expressed a desire to live there.

Just make sure that if you do do this, you go in with eyes wide open :) 

Perhaps plan a short trip (1 week) to see for yourself before you sign the offer. Also, do your research. Culture Atlas is a great resource for diving deep into culture differences across nations.

Some clips from Culture Atlas:

on Jan 28, 2022
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


As a woman, moving to a country where they require me to cover would be a hard no, regardless of the pay. 



Anonymous B
on Nov 08, 2023
Hi I’ve seen some comments said that you have to cover with hijab when you come here, as a saudi, i can assure you that this is untrue as woman have the full right to get out without hijab or abaya cover, also for other things, i can not judge my people as anyone from a different culture, so you’ll have to see for yourself, and i hope your experience would be as good as you imagined
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