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Moving to a developing region for MBB

Hi All,

I have offers from multiple MBB in a developing economy whilst I am currently pursuing my further education in a developed economy. My plan was to stay in the developed country due to higher salaries and career progression but the appeal of MBB and the long term value it can bring me is making me lean towards going back to a developing economy albeit lower salaries and very poor exit ops in that country.


My only issue is, currently I will have a 2 year work visa to stay and work in the developed country and potentially be sponsored in the long run and settle here HOWEVER, if i do decide to leave, that work visa will not exist for me, i.e. no sponsorship. 


I am very curious, does anyone have any advice for what I should do in this case?


My biggest fear here is totally shutting out my opportunities in the developed country especailly considering that there may not be any direct route to return back here?

Only way would be to apply for jobs after 2 years in MBB and HOPE that I get sponsored….(do not know how likely that is, ahve the weakest passport of all but did my education in the developed economy and top 10 uni in the world). 


Just dont want to risk my long term career here for 2 years in MBB in another region. what do you think?


Will i still be able to get opportunities in the developed countries later on and them offering visa sponsorship?

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on Feb 16, 2024
1400 5-star reviews across platforms | 600+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

Congrats on the offer!

I believe you are making the right choice at an early stage of your career. Why?

  1. MBB brand name and exit opportunities are global, so the benefit does not erode regardless of where you work.
  2. Developing economies often have exciting opportunities that you cannot find in more developed countries. You might meet some interesting folks and get some opportunities along the way (business, investments, etc.).
  3. You are early in your career. If you don't like it you can always go somewhere else (see point 1).
  4. If you work hard and smart (networking, visibility), you might be able to transfer inside MBB already within the first year or shortly afterward.

Without knowing about your alternatives, it's a bit tricky to give you definitive advice. If your alternative is a tier-2 offer in a developed country, it could look different.

All the best on your journey!


But generally I don't see an issue with your plan!

Anonymous A
on Feb 16, 2024
Thanks Florian..... No other offers yet in the EU so guess only option is to return for MBB. Just mainly worried about visa sponsorship in the future when returning to the EU/UK
on Feb 16, 2024
1400 5-star reviews across platforms | 600+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU
The MBB brand is worth enough to make future firms go through the visa process for you!
edited on Feb 16, 2024
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing and coaching

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the offers!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your situation:

  • First of all, could you please tell me something about your alternatives to the MBB offers and about your home country and the countries of these MBB offers?
  • Moreover, the concern about visa sponsorship and the potential difficulty in returning to the developed country is valid. However, most consulting firms support global mobility for their employees, which could be a pathway back to the developed economy in the future.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



Anonymous A
on Feb 16, 2024
Hi Hagen, No other opportunities in writing in the developed country. Main worry is visa related. about working 2 years in MBB in a developing economy and then looking to move back to EU/UK where I would need visa sponsorhip from companies. Worried that I might not be able to get that considering i wont have any significant work experience in the eu region but also no visa.
on Feb 16, 2024
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing and coaching
Thank you for clarifying. As I mentioned, once you are part of a consulting firm, there normally is always a solution to such rather administrative issues.
on Feb 16, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

‘Just dont want to risk my long term career here for 2 years in MBB in another region. what do you think?’

Then don't risk it. 

I understand the situation. I actually had a similar conundrum. 

You need to figure out what is most important for you and what you are willing to risk for it. 

Theoretically, you can build an argumentation for both sides. 

Stick with the developed country, get the residence, consider moving up the tiers here and if you like it, even go to the developing country afterwards. 

Go to the developing country, get the MBB brand, maybe you even like it and want to stay there, if you want to go back, the MBB name will make it easy to find opportunities back in the developed country. 

But realistically, you can't know how these will play out. So what you need to decide instead is what is most important for you and what is the appetite for risk that you have to support it. 


Anonymous A
on Feb 16, 2024
This is the main point, going back to a developing country with MBB.....will I have good opportunities to exit and return to the EU/UK in industry where I will need visa sponsorship and the likelihood of that? If i have that option, I will definitely take MBB short term
on Feb 19, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach
Yes, you will have that support, but it's not super easy to get those kind of opportunities. If you have a strong value prop (e.g., expertise in a certain area) and the MBB brand, there will surely be many employers looking for somebody like you, but not all of them will be willing to sponsor your visa app.
on Feb 16, 2024
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success: ➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Congratulations on the MBB offers! In terms of your questions:

1) I am very curious, does anyone have any advice for what I should do in this case?

What are the alternatives if you don’t take the MBB offers? Without that, we cannot really comment as we cannot evaluate the options.

2) Will I still be able to get opportunities in the developed countries later on and them offering visa sponsorship?

It is difficult to comment without more information on your home country and the countries you are targeting. In general, consulting companies allow for a transfer after a few years of work, but this is not always the case.

You might be able to find some data on LinkedIn from previous candidates who joined the firms for which you have offers, so I would recommend checking that.



Anonymous A
on Feb 16, 2024
Hi thanks! Targeting EU and UK long term. Returning to a developing country in Asia. Might not be possible in moving within MBB to EU/UK so will have to look for industry opportunities WITH visa sponsorship. Which I’m worried might not be as open to hiring me if I’ve returned back home to Asia and have no visa standing in the EU/UK
on Feb 29, 2024
MBB & Tier2 preparation | 100+ offers | 7 years coaching | 2000+ sessions


Personally, I'd take the MBB offer. It may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to acquire that skillset which you'll hardly get anywhere else.

Regarding getting back to a developed region: I don't think it is going to be an issue with a few years of MBB experience. As a first step after MBB, you can probably move to a T2 company in the Middle East, at least, and then you can take it from there.

Alternatively, you are running the risk of not finding any good job in a developed economy and be left with nothing.

But ultimately, you'll need to decide what you value the most: living in a developed economy or building a skillset.

Good luck!

on Feb 16, 2024
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

You can always move to another country if you do well in MBB in any country. Put in the 2 years and if you feel you are missing out on pay and benefits, apply for a transfer. It happens all the time and is very common.

Anonymous A
on Feb 16, 2024
Thanks Udayan. Suppose not within MBB. Looking to move into industry with visa sponsorship as an international applicant. Is it possible and how easy
on Feb 16, 2024
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience
Probably to move with MBB first then transfer. The real issue is always going to be which country and what their immigration rules are. Navigating the visa situation can be very difficult but many people have done it successfully.
on Feb 17, 2024
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

This is a really really big question, so please just tread carefully with the Q&A here.

It's like asking a forum for advice on a multi-million $ lawsuit or on purchasing a first home.

I don't have an answer here for you. There is risk in both approaches.

Taking MBB offer in developing region runs the risk of not being able to return to the developed region you're in.

Rejecting the MBB offer runs the risk of having a “lesser” (or no) job in the developed country. It is highly likely you end up with a “lower" offer than MBB. However, I'd say it's unlikely you end up with no employment.

You need to balance these risks and make your own internal decision. All we can do here is help you understand these risks - ultimately, that both decision do carry risk.

on Feb 17, 2024
Ex-Bain | ~5 years of consulting experience in the Middle East (UAE) | 4 years of candidate coaching with Bain

I can share my personal experience. I joined MBB Middle East office and I can say that the types of projects you work on make you quite well rounded - they tend to be quite interesting as the region is still building a lot from scratch unlike developed markets. 

I was easily able to get an exit opportunity in Europe in an International company. I have a lot of friends who transferred while with MBB to other offices in Europe/ US (they tend to easily accept the transfer if for personal reasons as they ultimately want to retain you).

Best of luck!


on Feb 29, 2024
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

Yes, if you leave it's going to be difficult to come back. 

But going to MBB + having already studied in the region gives you decent chances of being able to return.

At the same time, if you stay in a less interesting job, may be difficult to later on join MBB.

Finally, if you decide to stay but then don't get an offer… then you'll have to leave anyway.

on Feb 18, 2024
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


Is there a way to move to a developed country again, the answer is yes. I've known people who have started in MBB in developing countries, and then transferred after a couple of years.

Your key decision will revolve around how you think about and weigh:

  1. Working in consulting
  2. Living in a developing country vs developed country

Hard to tell without speaking to you further

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