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McKinsey Middle East

McKinsey Middle East
New answer on Aug 28, 2023
9 Answers
1.3 k Views
Anonymous A asked on May 30, 2023


I have just applied to McKinsey Middle East (Riyadh office) a few days ago. I have completed the Game (solve) and I do believe that I did very well [living ecosystem in 20 minutes and redrock study was completed on time]. I have three  main questions:

1) How do you usually reach out to HR/recruiting team? I only receive generic emails from a non-monitored email to complete the assessment.


2) I have a non-MBA masters and 3-4 years of experience. My referral talked with HR and told her that I can apply to the Associate role and might be readjusted to Junior Associate based on my performance. Would I receive a rejection just because I applied to Associate rather than Junior Associate?


3) I have not received any email directly after completing the game confirming my submission/completion of the game. Is this normal?


4) I know that strategy consulting in the middle east is slowing down recruitment. Will my application be automatically considered for a different rate (for example, early 2024 start date)?


Thank you so much!

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replied on May 31, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there,

These are great questions. Let me take them one by one:

1) How do you usually reach out to HR/recruiting team? I only receive generic emails from a non-monitored email to complete the assessment.

Check on their website - ideally the one for the respective office you are applying to. Otherwise, reach out to them via LinkedIn.

2) I have a non-MBA masters and 3-4 years of experience. My referral talked with HR and told her that I can apply to the Associate role and might be readjusted to Junior Associate based on my performance. Would I receive a rejection just because I applied to Associate rather than Junior Associate?

No, you won't receive a rejection if you discuss and align this in time with the recruiter. It's important that they are aware of your experience and the role that fits best so that the recruitment process is done in accordance with that. 

3) I have not received any email directly after completing the game confirming my submission/completion of the game. Is this normal?

That's rather strange indeed. Usually, you should've received a notification. Reach out to the recruiter to clarify. 

4) I know that strategy consulting in the middle east is slowing down recruitment. Will my application be automatically considered for a different rate (for example, early 2024 start date)?

It's slowing down but not stopping. I have candidates that are interviewing at the moment and others who are just starting. The pipeline is thinner, but it's still flowing, so your application should still be considered for the current year. 


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Content Creator
replied on May 31, 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

1) How do you usually reach out to HR/recruiting team? I only receive generic emails from a non-monitored email to complete the assessment.

You can either look for their email online or call the office

2) I have a non-MBA masters and 3-4 years of experience. Would I receive a rejection just because I applied to Associate rather than Junior Associate?

Unlikely – if they don’t consider the role appropriate they will most likely propose to continue the process for that role.

3) I have not received any email directly after completing the game confirming my submission/completion of the game. Is this normal?

If you got the standard screenshot of game completed after finishing, this should be fine.

4) Will my application be automatically considered for a different rate (for example, early 2024 start date)?

It depends on the office and local situation when they will complete the interview process, so difficult to comment now.

Good luck!


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replied on Jun 01, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

First of all, fingers crossed for you!

1) How do you usually reach out to HR/recruiting team? I only receive generic emails from a non-monitored email to complete the assessment.

You can look on the company site/page, check LinkedIn, or ask your network (whoever you networked with or got a referral from)

2) I have a non-MBA masters and 3-4 years of experience. My referral talked with HR and told her that I can apply to the Associate role and might be readjusted to Junior Associate based on my performance. Would I receive a rejection just because I applied to Associate rather than Junior Associate?

Nope. But your case/interview performance will be super important here. If/when you get invited to interview you have to shine. I.e., you're there to prove you're fit for the higher level!

3) I have not received any email directly after completing the game confirming my submission/completion of the game. Is this normal?

As long as the screen said you completed it, you should be fine.

4) I know that strategy consulting in the middle east is slowing down recruitment. Will my application be automatically considered for a different rate (for example, early 2024 start date)?

It's possible.

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Anonymous replied on May 31, 2023


1) I'd suggest doing a quick research on LinkedIn. There, you'll easily find out who is part of the HR/recruiting team

2) I don't think so. If this is the case and you succeeded during the interview, the HR/recruiting team will probably call you to discuss potential solutions and define your offer to join the Firm

3) I would wait 7-14 days. After that, I'll do a follow-up to the HR/recruiting team to check the status of your application

4) As a rule of thumb in McKinsey, if you passed the interviews, no matter the time, you will join the company. Sometimes, in very specific cases, your intake might be postponed and you will agree on this with the HR/recruiting team. But rest assured that you'll be part of the team ;)

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EC replied on Jun 02, 2023

Hey was wondering what you used to study for the solve assestment? 

pm me whenever you can. 

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Anonymous A on Jun 02, 2023

For the McKinsey assessment, I used Fransesco’s guide mainly for the ecosystem and plant defense. For the redrock study, I used an external source that can share directly with you.

EC on Jun 02, 2023

Good you Pm me and we can talk more there?

EC on Jun 02, 2023


replied on May 31, 2023
Top-Ranked Coach on PrepLounge for 3 years| 6+ years of coaching


To answer your questions:

1. You should be able to find the contact information of HR representatives on the specific McK office website, or in the application description. 

2. This is not an issue at all - if your profile fits their needs, they can interview you and then readjust your position as needed.

3. I'm not sure about this

4. You usually start talking start dates once you have an offer, so not necessarily. If they think they'll need to push back your start date by longer than usual, they may flag this for you sooner, but usually this is a conversation between you and the recruiting team once you have an offer in hand.

Best of luck!

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replied on May 30, 2023
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

1) Can take 2-4 weeks to get the result

2) No problem with that. If your profile is relevant / they want to interview you, they'll discuss that with you.

3) Don't know.

4) With experienced hires, they are unlikely to ask for far away starting dates. It is not impossible, but it is probably something they'll want to discuss with you first (otherwise they risk losing a good candidate… not everyone wants to wait for 6 months on a job they decided to quit…)

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replied on Aug 28, 2023
BCG 1st & Final Round interviewer | Personalized prep with >95% success rate | 7yrs coaching | #1 for Experienced Hires

Hi there,

happy to share some additional thoughts on this..

  1. How to reach out to HR? Usually, can go through contacts you may have in the firm or friends who at least previously went through the recruiting process with them. Either of those 2 will typically suffice.
  2. Would you be rejected if apply to a too senior role? Typically not - firms like McK are very suitable at calibrating your experience. That said, to minimize the risk, suggest you check with them upfront before you submit.
  3. Haven't receive the game invite? Yes, this can take time, doesn't have to be instant. If after 1-2 still no answer, can just follow up with HR on the status.
  4. Will your application automatically considered for a different entry date? Typically yes - this is not somthing you need to time perfectly. Big firms they will keep hiring throughout the year and, if successful, they'll simply offer you a later start date. Common practice. Also, many offices across MBB have shifted focus of recruiting towards 2024 already a while ago, so it will apply to most new applications coming in.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Andi


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Anonymous B replied on Aug 28, 2023

I just saw this thread, did you end up getting the job? I recently completed the SOLVE and I am waiting for a response from the company and I am really anxious about it.

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Federica on Sep 11, 2023

Hello, just to know if you received or not a feedback from Mckinsey after the solve game. I did a week ago, just to understand the timing! Thanks a lot!

Cristian gave the best answer


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