So I've already passed the second round interview, and after waiting approximately a month for an answer, I've just received an invitation to a 15 minutes call with the recruiter, what does this mean? any I should prepare? Thanks a lot !
I have an internship application update call with the recruiter, any insights ?

Hi there,
Look, if they want to speak to you then that's generally a good thing. They are most likely either looking to finalize the offer/start date or perhaps delay starting. It's possible they are calling to say no offer, but to confirm they like you as a candidate and want you to re-apply shortly (when there are more spots available).

Hi there,
Q: I've just received an invitation to a 15 minutes call with the recruiter, what does this mean? Any I should prepare?
Very difficult to guess what it could be, but I agree with Ian it is more likely to be good news for which no preparation is needed. If they wanted to reject you, they would have probably done it without organizing a call. At the same time, it is not possible to exclude completely that it is a negative outcome.
Good luck!

Wow, sorry to hear about the wait.
You should be asking for feedback and whether there are any next steps in the recruitment process.
That's about it. Hopefully, they will be quicker going forward.
Best of luck!

It's not going to be an interview, it's going to be a conversation about next steps, but can't anticipate which ones exactly :)