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BCG soon ahead of McKinsey regarding Revenue & Prestige?

BCG career growth MBB McKinsey prestige
New answer on May 15, 2020
7 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on May 06, 2020

Hi everyone,

I am currently in the last year of my master's program and a lot of my friends recently received offers from McKinsey and/or BCG (in Germany). Most friends that received offers from both firms decided to accept the McKinsey offer, mentioning that "it is the better brand", "has better exits" and "there was a better fit with the culture/people", while the people that accepted the BCG offer said that the "culture was just better". I never heard someone say that they decided to go for BCG for a better brand name or exits (I think later the industry aspect is important but we are all business students and would start as generalists, therefore we don't have an industry focus yet).

However, when reading e.g. LinkedIn news, I got the feeling that BCG's growth is stronger and they hire more people (at least in Germany) compared to McKinsey. While higher growth rates are relatively easier to achieve with lower revenue, this high growth continued for multiple years now.

And I have the impression when it comes to negative press articles, that I read the name McKinsey much more frequently (e.g. South Africa) compared to BCG.

Therefore I was wondering if you think that within the next years BCG will have higher revenue than McKinsey and that their brand name will be the better one or do you think this is not likely going to happen?

Looking forward to your opinions!

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replied on May 07, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


Key thing is first to define what prestige is.

This is not linked only to revenues -actually, it´s not the key KPI to consider here either-. That only talks about your volume.

Usually, when it comes to MBBs, you measure prestige based on the alumni and the clients the company serves -which, funny enaugh, is well connected-. This also links to what you were mentioning in your post about exit options.

This said, and knowing that in this industry changes are slow, does not seem to change that McKinsey will loose the lead to BCG.

The articles and press you mention is somehow annecdotical.

Hope it helps!



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replied on May 07, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate


I've never heard anyone (even BCGers) predict this. In the short-term, this won't happen. In the medium/long-term, one never knows.

Hiring a lot of people doesn't automatically mean better brand (Tier 2s like Deloitte, KPMG, etc. are massive).

Different companies are known for different things, and brought in for different reasons.

Echoing Vlad's statement, you should be absolutely esctatic with either McKinsey or BCG. Figuring out which one will have higher prestige in the years to come is like comparing Harvard and Yale, or Oxford and Cambridge.

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replied on May 07, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

as mentioned by Vlad, an important element linked to prestige is the number and types of alumni, not revenues. From that point of view, McKinsey will be the leader for a long time.

In terms of career growth, higher revenues may also not be the best variable to consider. You may grow a lot faster in a company relatively smaller with more growth than in a company with more revenues growing more slowly.

In terms of the choice if you get the two offers: I would consider the elements listed at the link below:



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Anonymous replied on May 07, 2020


As an ex-BCGer, I got to say that McK is still leading in scale and revenue, and would likely keep the lead in the coming years too.

Prestige wise, I would think MBB are pretty similar. McK might seem to provide more exit options, but that partially is due to the bigger alumni network. The more frequent negative press you mentioned partially might also be due to the bigger scale it has.

If you got both offers, I would suggest you rather think about the company cultures, which fits you better. That matters more than the other differences btw the 2 firms.



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Anonymous replied on May 07, 2020


This is a difficult prediction and I don't anyone would be able to accurately give a view on this.

It will totally depends on the specific geographical market and strength of the relationship between the Partners and the C-Levels on the region.

I would agree with Ian that different firms are known for different things in different region so not point in comparing them. I would say MBB will have similar standards and will provide similar experience with only subtle difference in culture.

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replied on May 06, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


First of all, consulting is a long play and it takes years to build the brand name. There is also a huge correlation with the number of alums in different companies (and McK will be still a clear leader for many years ahead)

Secondly, the growth in a particular country (Germany) does not mean faster overall growth. McKinsey here is still a leader.

Overall, both companies are very similar and I would not recommend you to overthink here. If you get a BCG offer - you should be as happy as with McKinsey one. Moreover, the culture at BCG is indeed better in many aspects


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Anonymous A on May 06, 2020

Thanks for the answer. Can I ask what aspects make the BCG culture better in your opinion?

Anonymous replied on May 15, 2020

Dear A ,

I can't confirm this information. McKinsey is still number 1 worldwide and also in Germany. While in some geographies BCG might be better (Middle East, Top1 company). But McKinsey is still considered worldwide the biggest firm with the best exit options, and BCG has no chance to catch up in nearby future unless some terrible events occur. Therefore, if you have a chance to get both offers, the right way is to decide according to your gut feeling. In Germany both companies have great standing and great exit options.

If you need any further help, I've been working for consultancy in Germany for 6 years, I would be happy to share my insights and help you get both offers.



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McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut
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