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Background Check in the Middle East after accepting offer

background check Middle East T2
New answer on Oct 31, 2023
5 Answers
Anonymous A asked on Oct 30, 2023

Hello, I have a few questions regarding the background check consulting firms do for people after signing the offer in the Middle East (MBB/T2s) 

Is the background check different in the Middle East compared to NA for example? How is the background check of employment conducted? Through phone calls or emails usually (with the candidate's experiences/education being abroad)?

Do you usually fill out a background check form with details, references and people they may contact or do they just randomly call firms you have listed on your resume?

Any insights would be highly appreciated.

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Content Creator
replied on Oct 30, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

In short, (you're not going to like this answer), it depends :)

It depends on the firm and the office.

Typically, you provide them with the information through your application. 

Then they hire an external provider to do the background check. 

Most background check agencies do a sampling of checks i.e., they don't check all of your credentials. Just a few of them e.g. calling your university to check that you actually graduated from there or calling some of the former employers. 

I wouldn't say that there are huge differences in the process between  geographies but do bear in mind that some offices don't even do this. 

Plus, as long as you didn't purposefully mislead them in the application, you have nothing to worry about. 

Hope everything works out smoothly :)



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Content Creator
replied on Oct 30, 2023
FREE 15MIN CONSULTATION | #1 Strategy& / OW coach | >70 5* reviews |90% offers ⇨ | MENA, DE, UK

Congratulations on receiving a job offer! In my experience, the background check process for consulting firms in the Middle East is generally similar to other regions, such as North America. The purpose of the background check is to verify the information provided in your application, including your work experience and education.

Typically, the background check involves contacting your previous employers to verify your employment history. This can be done through phone calls or emails, depending on the firm's preferred method of communication. They may also request additional documentation, such as employment letters or proof of employment, to support the verification process.

In terms of the information provided, you will usually be asked to fill out a background check form with details about your previous employment, education, and references. This form may include contact information for the firms you have listed on your resume, as well as references who can vouch for your work experience.

It's important to ensure that the information you provide is accurate and consistent with what you have stated in your application. This will help facilitate the background check process and ensure a smooth transition into your new role.

I hope this provides some insights into the background check process. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

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Content Creator
replied on Oct 31, 2023
ex Jr. Partner McKinsey |Senior Interviewer| Real Feedback & Free Homework between sessions|Harvard Coach|10+ Experience

Yes not untypical. I am with Ian here, it's out of your control so just sit back. Warm regards, Frederic 

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Content Creator
replied on Oct 31, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Look, the background check is going to be what it's going to be. You don't have control over it…let's keep it simple: When/if they ask you for something, do it. 

Nothing we say here changes anything you do!

That said, background checks are somewhat different across firms + regions. However, in general, they're basically just there to figure out did you tell the truth.

Some do so using an employer database, others with a 3rd party, others contact HR at your former firms, others don't do much - it all depends!

If you did, you're safe and don't need to worry!

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Content Creator
replied on Oct 31, 2023
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Hi there,

As other coaches are pointing out, just chill and follow the process as you are required. 


Check out my latest case based on a real MBB interview: Sierra Springs

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