Boost your chances of landing an interview with the comprehensive course Applications - Getting The Interview. This course provides you with practical strategies to optimize your job application process, including networking techniques, optimal office selection, effective cover letter mass production, and crafting a standout resume.
Learn the case interview basics, practice with 200+ cases, and benefit from extensive test materials, and interactive self-study tools.

Applications - Getting The Interview
Get templates for Resume, Cover Letter etc.
Learn how to network and how to get a referral
Master the art of tailoring your application materials to each job and company.
USD 35
USD 20
Frequently bought together
About the Course:
In this detailed course, you'll learn actionable strategies and methods to make your application stand out and capture the attention of employers. Discover how to create a compelling resume and cover letter, effectively network to secure referrals, and choose the right office to maximize your chances of getting an interview.
What You Will Learn:
- Creating a Killer Resume: Learn how to craft a resume that grabs the attention of hiring managers and sets you apart from other candidates.
- Mass Producing Your Cover Letters: Discover techniques for efficiently producing and customizing cover letters in large volumes.
- Optimal Networking for Referrals: Understand how to leverage networking to gain valuable referrals that increase your chances of securing an interview.
- Selecting the Right Office: Learn how to choose the best office to apply to, ensuring your application is targeted and effective.
Course Content:
- Introduction (06:59): An overview of the key topics and objectives of the course.
- Office Selection (08:25): Tips and strategies for selecting the most suitable office for your application.
- Resume Overview (04:20): A summary of the essential elements of a successful resume.
- Killer Resume (05:12): A guide to creating a resume that stands out and makes a strong impression.
- Writing Experience Bullet Points (08:01): Techniques for writing concise and impactful bullet points for your work experience.
- Cover Letter Mass Production Steps (05:57): A step-by-step guide to efficiently creating and customizing cover letters.
- Cover Letter Template Walkthrough (03:05): A walkthrough of a template for mass-producing cover letters.
- Introduction (04:26): Additional insights and tips for navigating the application process.
- Getting a Call (09:25): Strategies and tips for increasing your chances of receiving a positive callback from employers.
- Outreach Email Explainer (03:16): How to craft effective outreach emails to support your application process.
- Navigating the Informational Call (07:59): Tips for conducting successful informational calls to expand your network and gather valuable information.
Materials Included:
- Application Tracker
- Killer Resume Template
- Cover Letter Mass Production Steps
- Cover Letter Template for Mass Production
- Networking Steps
- Networking Outreach Email Template
- Networking Thank You Email Template
Note for Finance Candidates
This product was originally created for consulting candidates to help them prepare for interviews and their career start. However, its content is perfectly transferable to other industries (e.g. finance) and provides valuable insights for all applicants.