How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

What will be the biggest challenge for you with us (company X)?

The biggest challenge willl be to not to be able to met the expectations.

Biggest challenge when I join any company is to settle into its work culture. Different companies have different work cultures and there is no one single work culture that is best, however i may only choose to join a company if i think their work culture will be something i can work within. It will take some time to build relationships and trust with the people and stakeholders of the organization and this I think will be the most challenging yet important one to master for anyone joining a company
I think I would start of with saying something like: "Oef, that's a difficult question", have a laugh and then continue with something honest and personal.
For me that would be something like this: "If I were to start here, that would mean a new job, in a new city with lots of new people. That's a big change, no matter how you look at it. I tend to respond well to changes, but I think it would be ignorant to expect only smooth sailings in this transition to a new rythm."

gaining credibility with clients who have worked in the respective industry longer than I have and whom I should tell what to do.