If you are talking about any event in our life, then it is the historical #of desired results of the event / total number of the results
If you are talking about the consulting events - depends on the structure of a workshop:
- Option A: Consultants will show you how to solve a case. Here you don't need to do anything special - just try to have a couple of nice conversations after the case. Don't expect to get any benefits from that and don't do anything special
- Option B: You'll be split into teams with a dedicated consultant observing you solving the case together. Here your main objective is to demonstrate how good you are at solving the cases. That's the only and the best way to impress. Also be careful, since it does not mean you should not listen to others and try being an absolute leader. Be the guy with the smart ideas. I know many candidates who got invited to McKinsey PST or Bain interviews without a test after these events.
You'll also get a chance to:
- Look how MBB approaches solving a case
- Talk to MBB people and get some information for you FIT interview (why The Company reasons, topics for your questions to the interviewer, etc)
- Meet with other candidates with whom you can practice the cases further
PS. After each event, there is a Q&A session where you can talk to consultants 1 on 1 or in a group. If you want to keep in touch - send a thank you note after the event:
- "I just wanted to thank you for visiting our University...
- It was especially interesting to hear about...
- Would be happy to keep in touch and apply in the nearest future.
Alternatively, you may use LinkedIn for that.