Hello everyone! I have spent the last ~6 months in recruitment processes to enter consulting. Accenture has been my favourite/target company and I interviewed with them in December. The feedback was great and they wanted me to continue and come for a second interview. In January, the process was put in stand-by because of some internal restructuring and then Covid-19 happened. I haven’t had my second interview and the HR has not been able to tell me when, or if, this will be going to happen. The start date was/is September.
In the meantime, I got an offer for an in-house consulting to start in June… I think this opportunity is not bad, but I would much prefer Accenture. Nevertheless, given the economic situation, I don’t think I’m in any position to forgo a job for another opportunity that is still uncertain.
How do I deal with this situation? I would like to remain in the recruitment process for Accenture even if I start in the other company... it's not a great position to be in, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity. How can I “convince” the Acn HR not to stop considering me? I told them about the offer, as they asked, and they did not seem very willing to have me continue if I accepted it… Also, not even sure if Acn will be recruiting at all this year (Geography is southern Europe)
Thank you!