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Repeatable answers McKinsey

Dear experts,
during the fit interviews with multiple interviewers (including later on potentially a partner), one will be asked why one would like to work in consulting, this firm, this office, etc.? Is it acceptable to repeat the answer already given to previous interviewers? It would be hard to come up with 2-3 reasons for each interviewer. I am aware of not repeating my stories for each dimension (Leadership, Drive, Impact). I should not tweak a story to fit to two dimensions and then tell two versions of the essential the same story in two separate interviews, right? Will it ever happen that two interviewers cover the same fit dimension or do they agree on who will do which dimension prior to the interviews? Just in case that happens and both ask for stories of the same dimension, may I then say to the interviewer that the previous interviewer already asked me for stories of this dimension and would you like to hear the same story or a different story? And last question, what detail of questions as regards my stories shall I assume? Would you be so kind to provide a few example questions?

Many thanks!

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on Jun 13, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


In short, it's totally fine to repeat the answers both for regular questions and stories. However, you should have backup stories.

In the final round, I would expect a bit more structured and demanding approach to the fit part. The partners in the last round are more experienced and they will challenge every single detail of your story. So make sure that you have a couple of backup stories. Thus:

1) Make sure that you've prepared everything: A story about yourself, motivational questions and the main FIT stories. Also, don't forget about your questions to the interviewer - you'd rather have an interesting conversation and score some point instead of a simple Q&A session

2) Then go through each story and think of the additional questions the interviewer may ask. It’s important since additional questions will take up to 50% of the interview. Try to remember the main details and facts and make sure that you know how to explain the key concepts quickly. Test your stories with your friends, ideally consultants, and ask for their feedback. There can be multiple groups of additional questions:

  • The interviewer may be interested in details about the context
  • He may want to check whether this was your effort or more sort of a team effort. 
  • “Have you faced any difficulties while implementing your solution?”- Typically an interviewer would like you to tell him how you’ve overcome those difficulties. 
  • Your interviewer will check how real your story is. You should be ready to provide even more granular actions, key milestones and a breakdown of potential effects.

3) Now work on 3-6 backup stories. During your interviews, you can then use these stories or adapt these stories to the additional questions your interviewer asks you.

You may be interested, why you need to prepare several stories for each question? At the end of the day, it's not that easy to come up with all of these stories. I've answered here: Repeating Fit Interview Stories


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