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Motivation to prep for full time recruitment

2021 full-time motivation
New answer on Jun 14, 2022
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Anonymous A asked on Apr 17, 2020


I will be recruiting for full time starting this fall. Given the whole situation I have kind of lost motivation of prepping. I feel the hiring for Class of 2021 will be slowed down and it's going to get really tough. I also am one of the lucky ones who still have their internship. My question here is - how did you motivate and believe in yourself during recruitment?


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Anonymous replied on Apr 28, 2020

Dear A,

Things that motivates me every day is setting a clear goal on the one hand, and time pressure — on the other. So, first identify the companies which you really want to join and be part of, and secondly set for yourself clear deadlines.

I would probably stop the preparation as for now, and resume them 3 months before application in order to make them more intense. No matter what happens with economy or with COVID-19, consulting companies would still continue to hire, even a lower number of candidates.

You still have chances to become a part of them, and you have a benefit of having relevant internship experience. The Best prerequisites!

Believe in yourself, work hard, work consistently and you will definitely reach out your goal.

I wish you best of luck and feel free to contact if you need any kind of motivational or content help

I'm happy to place you in consulting,



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replied on Apr 18, 2020
McKinsey offers w/o final round interviews - 100% risk-free - 10+ years MBB coaching experience - Multiple book author

Hi Anonymous,

I agree that for the moment recruiting is tougher than usual. But hey, sorry to say it straightforward since I don't like to bullshit anyone - if you have already a lack of motivation for prep now I would really start questioning myself if consulting is the right thing for you to do.

Consulting interview prep is still a piece of cake compared to what you will be facing afterwards - please take that into consideration when making your career decision. To survive in midst of consulting workload, travel schedule, political games at client organization and many other complicating factors you need to be sure you that you really want that. Otherwise I am afraid you will damage your physical and psychological health and getting out of balance -which is bad for the firm, but even much worse for yourself.

Possibly not exactly what you want to hear - but nevertheless I hope you appreciate open words about this topic and that it might help for a good career decision which makes you happy and successful in the long run!


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replied on Apr 30, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

unfortunately, nobody now is able to predict the precise effects on each business. The 2 true facts today are that interviews are taking place regularly but online instead than face to face, and that many new consulting projects are being paused. Therefore if this lockdown continues for long it can cause a shrinking in new hires.


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replied on Jun 14, 2022
Conducted over 100 interviews for grads, interns & experienced hires

Hi - this is an older question but I think one that is still relevant for a lot of people!

It sounds like your lack of belief in short term results is driving your loss of motivation. 

One approach you could take is to think longer term. Think of this process not as getting a job for the next 6 months, but as the first step in your career of 50 years. See the benefit that the networking, preparation, learning and skill building will have for you overall and focus on the fact that you are getting these benefits through making the effort, regardless of the result.

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replied on Apr 18, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

great question. First of all, I can guarantee you that you are not alone in having to find motivation in this period. From startup founders to employees who can’t see promotion and even security of their job, developing motivation these days is critical for everyone.

These are some of the tips that helped me in the past and still help me to create motivation:

  1. Develop a vision of who you want to be long term. Forget about MBB itself – in most cases, it won’t even be your long term career. Visualize where you see yourself in 5, 10 or even 20 years if you can. Don’t just write a list, but ask why that achievement is important for you several times to go to the root of the real reasons why it is important for you. If possible create pictures and develop a vision board. Review that every day. This will help you to internalize your major goals. You need to identify something you are looking for to develop motivation. Creating and reviewing daily your major goals is critical.
  2. Internalize how consulting can help to reach that goal. You have to see consulting as a way to reach your long term goals, not as a “nice to have” objective.
  3. Develop a plan to get into consulting and keep track of your progress. Whatever is in your plan to reach your consulting goal, whether it is number of cases or something different, divide it into milestones and measure your progress every day. As they say: "If you can not measure it, you cannot improve it”
  4. Gamify your daily progress. Try to make your preparation fun, creating some kind of challenges to reach a target goal.
  5. Find a peer to create accountability. If you make a commitment with other people (for example, someone else who is also preparing for case preparation) this will help you to stick to your plan - like a buddy in the gym.

Hope this helps,


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Anonymous replied on Apr 18, 2020

Consulting recruitment is slowing down yes but to be honest that does not mean business is slowing down for consulting only the type of project change (e.g. strategy to cost cutting)

The slowing down of recruitment and tighter up or out standard only serve as a precautions, however, I can assure you in some regions (e.g. SEA) they still recruit selectively. The main reason is because they now economy will bounce back and if by that time they are short on capacity the opportunity cost of missing out on key projects will be very expensive.

Also I think the prospect of a very structured career with relatively transparent and objetive promotion process should be a good motivation to continue step up your preparation.

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replied on Apr 30, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached


Try to go on the BCG Linkeding page and you can find your motivation. MBB are still going forward with their recruitment processes and it will be even better during this fall.



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updated an answer on Apr 18, 2020
150+ interviews | 6+ years experience | Bain, Kearney & Accenture | Exited startup| London Business School

In addition to what has been said, a great motivation to aim to join consulting at this stage is that you will be at the center of helping companies overcome their Corona struggles. Some regions of the world are going to see interesting consolidations which will offer us great consulting work.


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Anonymous replied on Apr 18, 2020

Hi there,

Preparing for consulting recruitment is not an easy task in itself, as it does require a lot of hardwork and time as well. Not to mention in this current stressful situation. It is OKAY to feel demotivated sometimes - it is just normal.

It is still quite a few months to the fall recruiting season. Even in a normal circumstance without COVID, it would be challenging to maintain the same level of energy throughout such a long period. Take a break when you feel so, and come back to preparation again after you feel better. Don't beat yourself up too much and don't burn out.



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replied on Apr 18, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


Indeed, consulting hiring goes in line with the economy. If the economy is bad - it gets tougher to get the offer

At the same time, consulting becomes more attractive and rewarding. You will hardly find the industry with a structured career ladder, fast growth, and exit opportunities similar to consulting. In the current situation consulting can save years of your life and career that otherwise, you would spend in stagnating industries. I think that should be the biggest motivation


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