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MBB in Low-tier International City vs Big 4 in NYC

Asia Big 4 MBB
New answer on Sep 30, 2023
9 Answers
Anonymous A asked on Sep 29, 2023

Given the industry slowdown, I am incredibly grateful for these opportunities and would appreciate your thoughts on this. I recently received an MBB full-time offer at a low-tier city in a middle-income Asian country (where I came from) and a Big 4 offer in NYC. Obviously, the MBB brand name is stronger, but does that still apply if I take the job in a non-US/EU/top-tier-Asia (SG, HK) country?

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replied on Sep 30, 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Congratulations on the offers! In terms of your question:

Q: The MBB brand name is stronger, but does that still apply if I take the job in a non-US/EU/top-tier-Asia (SG, HK) country?

The MBB brand will still hold regardless of the country. The difference is that if you want to move to, say, the US later on:

  • It might not be necessarily possible to move internally within the MBB
  • You will have to rebuild your network

As general criteria to decide, I would consider the following

  • Where do you want to be in 5-10 years? Try to identify the company that can help you to achieve that goal faster. You can check LinkedIn for that (see below). If you are not sure, the MBB brand is stronger.
  • If you consider the average consultant/partner you talked to in each company, which one would you rather be? You will spend a lot of time with your colleagues in the next years - be sure you choose a company where the people are close to the person you want to become.
  • If money and prestige were not a consideration, which company would you choose? This could help you to identify additional elements to weigh you have not considered yet.

In terms of exits, you can check them as follows as they are based on what you would like to do next:

  1. Look for alumni of the two companies on LinkedIn
  2. Check how many moved to your preferred exits in your target region
  3. Normalize for the size of the companies in the region

If you want to do extra due diligence, you can contact Alumni of your university (not current consultants) who worked for the possible alternatives (bonus if they worked for both firms). You will learn more in a 30-minute call with them than with any online research you might do.



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replied on Sep 30, 2023
ex Jr. Partner McKinsey |Senior Interviewer| Real Feedback & Free Homework between sessions|Harvard Coach|10+ Experience

I appreciate your gratitude for the opportunities you've received, and it's great that you have multiple offers to consider. Your situation presents a common dilemma for many candidates. Let's break down some factors to help you make an informed decision:

MBB Brand vs. Location: It's true that MBB (McKinsey, Bain, and BCG) carries a strong global brand name, and this can open doors and provide a significant boost to your career. However, the strength of the brand may vary by region. While an MBB role in a low-tier city in a middle-income Asian country may not have the same prestige as a role in a major global hub, it can still be highly regarded within the local business community.

Career Goals: Consider your long-term career goals. If you aspire to work internationally or eventually transition to a top-tier Asian city like Singapore or Hong Kong, starting your career with MBB could provide valuable experience and connections that facilitate such moves in the future.

Quality of Work and Learning Opportunities: Assess the nature of the work and learning opportunities each offer provides. The specific projects, industries, and clients you'll be exposed to can significantly impact your professional development and job satisfaction. It's essential to evaluate whether one offer aligns better with your career interests and goals.

Lifestyle and Personal Preferences: Think about your lifestyle preferences and personal factors. Working in NYC typically comes with a fast-paced, demanding environment, whereas a role in a lower-tier Asian city might offer a different pace of life and potentially lower living costs. Consider which location aligns better with your personal priorities.

Networking and Connections: Networking and building relationships are crucial in any career. Assess which location offers better networking opportunities and the chance to connect with professionals who can help advance your career.

Financial Considerations: Factor in your financial situation, including the compensation packages and cost of living in each location. NYC tends to have a higher cost of living, and Big 4 firms often provide competitive compensation packages, so consider how these factors impact your financial well-being.

Long-Term Potential: Think about the long-term potential of each offer. While the MBB brand is powerful, don't discount the value of building a strong foundation and gaining experience in a competitive job market like NYC.

In summary, the strength of the MBB brand is still valuable, even if you're considering a role in a non-US/EU/top-tier Asian country. However, your decision should not solely rely on brand prestige. Consider your career goals, the quality of work, personal preferences, networking opportunities, and financial factors to make the best choice for your unique situation.

If you have further questions or need more personalized advice, please feel free to reach out.

Warm regards, Frederic

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replied on Sep 30, 2023
#1 Bain coach | >95% success rate | interviewer for 8+ years | mentor and coach for 7+ years

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the offers!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your situation:

  • I would highly advise you to opt for the offer that better aligns with your professional (and maybe even personal) mid- to long-term goals.
  • In order to make an informed decision about it, I would advise you to do the following:
    • Weigh the different criteria that are meaningful to you, independently of the current options (e.g. prestige, culture, international exposure, compensation, location). After that, score the two options depending on your criteria and their weighting, resulting in two scores (this way you have covered the left-brain perspective).
    • Critically assess your initial reaction to the outcome of the scores. For instance, if you feel the urge to tweak the numbers, this is a solid indicator that you do not want this decision to become reality (this way you have covered the right-brain perspective).
    • By doing so, you will be able to integrate both your feelings and facts (and thus both parts of the brain) into the decision-making, guaranteeing a higher chance you will still be happy with it years later.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to address your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



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replied on Sep 30, 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


Unless you really (for whatever reason) need to stay in NYC, I would take the MBB offer.

I started my career at a T2 firm and switched to MBB. It made a world of difference in terms of growth, compensation as well as opportunities. 

Furthermore there are always ways to move to NYC/US after you have joined an international city. 

I am from SG - happy to chat more - just drop me a dm.


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updated an answer on Oct 01, 2023
MBB & Tier2 preparation | 85+ offers | 7 years coaching | 2000+ sessions | PDF reviews attached


Personally? I'd choose the MBB offer. Because NYC or not, Big4 is still Big 4 (with all the downsides that come with working there) and the MBB is still MBB. 

When starting out at management consulting, IMO you should choose experience over location. And if your goal is moving to the USA eventually, you can still switch to a T2/T3 (if not T1) firm after you've gained the valuable MBB experience.

Good luck,


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replied on Sep 29, 2023
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Hi there,

Congratulations on your offers!

Look into where alumni from the MBB office you're considering have gone post-MBB to gauge future opportunities. When choosing between MBB and Big 4, consider the skills you'd gain. NYC's diversity at Big 4 might offer a unique skill set and cultural experience compared to a regional MBB role.

Lastly, think about mentorship and networking in both roles, focusing on aligning with your future goals.

Trust your instincts and aspirations in making the choice.



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Content Creator
replied on Sep 29, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there!

Long-term, the brand name will matter more. And you could always transfer to a different city from the one you're currently in in +2 years. There's also the added benefit that you could be close to family and friends which is going to make things easier for your start in consulting. Aaaand… I'm expecting the living costs will be lower, which will mean that you'll save more. 

So from this point of view, I'd definitely lead for the MBB offer. 

But then of course, if you want to live in NYC now, this is the moment to do it. 

Take a long walk. Ruminate. Figure out where you'd want to be in 10 years from now and which of the two options brings you closer to it.



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replied on Sep 29, 2023
University of St.Gallen graduate | Learn to think like a Consultant | Personalized prep | CV review

Congratulations on your offers! The decision between an MBB offer in a lower-tier city in Asia and a Big 4 offer in NYC is a significant one and depends on your career goals and personal preferences.

MBB's strong brand name often carries weight globally, but its prestige can vary by region. In middle-income Asian countries, especially in lower-tier cities, the MBB brand might not be as well-recognized among the general public as it is in top-tier cities like Singapore and Hong Kong. However, within professional and business circles, MBB is usually highly regarded.

Considering the industry slowdown and the uncertain times, job stability, work-life balance, and opportunities for growth should be key factors in your decision. The Big 4 offer in NYC might provide more extensive networking opportunities, exposure to diverse industries, and potentially faster career progression due to the city's status as a global business hub. On the other hand, the MBB offer, even in a lower-tier city, can provide specialized, high-impact projects and a unique learning experience, although the brand recognition might be localized.

Think about your long-term goals. If you aspire to work globally or in top-tier cities in the future, the Big 4 experience in NYC might open more doors. However, if you value the specific skills MBB can offer and are considering a long-term career in your home country or within the region, MBB could be the right choice.

Ultimately, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully, considering factors like career trajectory, skill development, work-life balance, and personal fulfillment. Additionally, reach out to professionals in your desired field through networking platforms to gather insights and make an informed decision.

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Content Creator
replied on Sep 29, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

That's amazing!


You're absolutely right - an MBB offer is amazing. Period. But especially in the current market.

This is a tough decision. Honestly, I think a big part of it does depend on where you want to be long-term (In the US or in this Asian country).

If we are going just off resume/brand, I would say MBB is still stronger (especially if it's McKinsey). However, do keep in mind that your network and post-MBB jobs are going to be quite influenced by location….for example, if you want/need working rights in the US, this Asian country Big4 is a pretty awesome opportunity.

Here's some reading to help you suceed on the job!

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