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MBB and "Tier 2" Summer Internship status Germany

Bain BCG consulting internships MBB McKinsey
New answer on May 01, 2020
3 Answers
1.6 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Apr 25, 2020

Hi everyone,

I am currently pursuing a masters degree in Germany and a few weeks ago I had interviews with most strategy consulting firms for an internship and managed to get offers from Kearney, Roland Berger and McKinsey. The plan was to do Kearney and Berger this summer and McKinsey in February to March next year.

Now I received a call that my Kearney internship has to be postponed by 2 months (original start date was May), which would clash with the start date of my Berger internship, however, I have no information from Berger so far if the internship will actually take place.

At the same time, I heard that McKinsey canceled all their summer internships this year in Germany.

Therefore my 2 questions would be:

1.) Do you have any concrete information about the current internship situation from top tier strategy consulting firms in Germany (also for BCG, Bain etc. as some friends want to start there but I think it is not necessary that each of us creates an own post) - which ones are canceled?

2.) When an internship this summer is canceled, how do consulting firms handle it? Will the intern get an automatic full-time offer (heard of this in some forums)?

Thank you very much for your time and support!

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Anonymous replied on Apr 27, 2020

Hi A,

General internships has been cancelled so far, according to the information of my mentees. This applies to the companies like McKinsey, BCG, Roland Berger, Kearney

However, internships for the most of the companies have been postponed for several months.

According to this situation I would strongly advise you to get in touch with your HR contact from Kearney, Roland Berger and McKinsey and ask them what is a current situation there and when it makes sense for both of you to do the internship. Basically, work with them on the schedule so that you can still squeeze all your three internships in your schedule.

As regard to your second question, internship is normally not getting cancelled. It could be simply postponed for later. But it'll never be replaced with a full-time offer automathically, unless you need to take some further steps to complete couple of more rounds of interviews to get full-time offer.

Hope it helps you


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replied on Apr 27, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


1. You would need to check firm after firm, but my coachees are interviewing and starting in Germany as planned (MBB)

2. Depends very much on the engagements they have in the fall. With a more or less good pipeline probably some of the interships will turn into offers automatically. However, with little projects, could be also that those internship offers never materialize to anything else.

Hope it helps!



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replied on May 01, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

unfortunately, nobody now is able to predict the precise effects on each business. The 2 true facts today are that interviews are taking place regularly but online instead than face to face, and that many new consulting projects are being paused. Therefore if this lockdown continues for long it can cause a shrinking in new hires.


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