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Inhouse Consultancies in Germany | Inhouse Beratungen in DE

E.ON Inhouse Consulting inhouse consulting MBMC Siemens Management Consulting (SMC) TKMC
New answer on Dec 24, 2021
4 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Dec 18, 2021

English edit:

Hi! I have received offers from three in-house consultancies, two of which interest me equally. Now I am asking myself how I can decide. Is there generally a kind of "tier list" for in-house consultancies in the consulting realm? 

Hallo an den deutschen Teil der Community,

ich habe für den Einstieg Angebote von drei Inhouse Beratungen vorliegen, wovon zwei mich thematisch gleichermaßen interessieren. Nun stelle ich mir die Frage wie ich entscheiden kann. Gibt es allgemein in der Berater-Bubble eine art “Tier-List” für Inhouse Beratungen? 

Auf dem Forum mit dem roten Hintergrund finde ich keine guten Infos. Ich wäre dankbar für euren Input!


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Content Creator
updated an answer on Dec 19, 2021
50+ successful coachings / Ex-Mckinsey JEM & Interviewer / Industry + Engineering background


Erstmal Glückwunsch zu den Angeboten und sehr spannende Frage.

Hier meine Einschätzung als Entscheidungshilfe:

Standort: Auch wenn du als Berater sicherlich zu einem gewissen Grad räumlich flexibel sein kannst, würde ich mir überlegen, ob du dir langfristig vorstellen kannst, an einem der Hauptstandorte des Konzerns (da dahin oft der Exit erfolgt) zu leben.

Zum Thema Exit/ Industrie: Wahrscheinlich willst du ja längerfristig bei dem Unternehmen bleiben, wenn du dich für InHouse Beratung entscheidest. Gibt es bei den 3 Angeboten eine Industrie, die Dich besonders interessiert? Denn meist erfolgen Exits, wenn nicht innerhalb des Unternehmens, in die gleiche oder eine ähnliche Industrie. Schau doch auch mal, ob es bspw. Ausgründungen als Exit gab, falls das für dich von Interesse ist.

Tier/Ranking der Beratungen ist sehr individuell, aber als Orientierung kann hier das Gehalt dienen - Top In-house Beratungen bezahlen auch top ;-)

Kollegen/ Kultur: Am Ende wahrscheinlich einer der wichtigsten Punkte - du solltest dich wohl fühlen! Gibt es eins dieser drei Angebote, bei dem du besonders gute Erfahrungen mit deinen potentiell zukünftigen Kollegen gemacht hast? Dann ist das ein gutes Zeichen. :-)

Ich hoffe das hilft,





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Anonymous on Dec 20, 2021

Hi Simon, vielen Dank für die Antwort! Ich schwanke mittlerweile nur noch zwischen zwei ICs im Ruhrgebiet, beide zahlen etwa gleich viel und beide (denke ich) sehr gut, auch die Gehaltsprünge bei Beförderungen sind sehr nett und insgesamt tut sich verglichen mit externen Top-Beratungen (zumindest in den ersten Jahren) nicht viel. Nun stehe ich vor folgendem Problem bei der Entscheidungsfindung: Da ich selbst einen elektrotechnischen Background habe, tendiere ich aktuell stark zu einer der beiden IC. Allerdings scheint die andere IC einen besseren Ruf zu genießen, wenn man dem Getuschel auf WiWi-Treff glauben mag. Das ist für mich so weit relevant, weil ich mir zumindest vorstellen könnte irgendwann nochmal woanders zu arbeiten oder in eine externe Beratung wechseln (entsprechende Praktika sind vorhanden). Stimmt das überhaupt mit dem Ruf der ICs? Oder wäre es für einen theoretischen Wechsel zu einer externen Beratung sogar vorteilhaft, wenn ich einen dahingehend „roten Faden“ hätte, dass ich als E-technik-Mensch dann auch zu einer entsprechenden IC gegangen bin? Falls du nochmal hierzu Input geben könntest, würde mich das sehr freuen!


Content Creator
replied on Dec 19, 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

If you're able to ask this question in English you'll get a higher response rate :)

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Anonymous A on Dec 20, 2021

Hi Ian, thanks for the heads-up, I have edited the question accordingly :)

replied on Dec 24, 2021
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

1. Forget the tiers. When you are discussing in-house consulting, what matters is the company (local or global, one or multiple businesses) and the industry.

I have worked for a in-house consultancy. It was great. The quality of the people was very good. They had a global business. They were supporting the C-Board and BU Leaders. The businesses were interesting and quite diverse as it was a B2B business and they touched upon many end-user industries. It was an engineering company so technology was a key component of the strategy work. It was a long development cycle technology, so strategy would often look 5-10 years ahead, and not just to next year.

I don't think this would be the same if I was working for a niche industrial company, or a national bank, or a tech company, or a multi-business corporate.

2. Also consider the type of consulting. Is it Business Strategy? Corporate Strategy? Operations? Supply chain? Implementation support? Does it include Corporate Development / M&A work or not? There are many options out there.

3. And finally, what is the career path? Are you supposed to do a career in that internal consulting arm? Or after 3 years they move you to the business? Or something else? Is it an accelerator within the company or not? How is it perceived by the rest of the business?

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Anonymous A on Dec 24, 2021

Hi Pedro, thanks for the answer! Most of the points I will address will count for all the offers I have. I'll focus in my reply on the company I am most likely going to sign with. 1. It is a DAX30 company, business is limited to Europe and GB (most international projects are in Scandinavia and GB actually and 60% of the projects are done from the HQ (or home office) 2. From what I was told they do all kinds of projects, from C-Level strategy Projects and M&A to operations and implementation. For the big C-Level strategy projects they are usually - if not always - accompanied by an MBB firm to also get external expertise (which is not a bad thing i think?) 3. Career path is very clear, promotion each 2 years (fast track possible), all steps are laid out including partner/director of the inhouse consultancy. Most directors joined from MBB but some made the inhouse journey from consultant to director. So some do stay in the inhouse consultancy for a long time, some join the actual company as head of x and some switch for external consulting. I was told something like 70% stay within the company and 30% leave for external consultancies. __ I think you 2nd point is what made me ask about "tiers". I know there are some inhouse consultancies which don't really do any strategy work. I did some more research and - in line with Simon's comment - they also pay less than the offers I have.


Content Creator
replied on Dec 22, 2021
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the offers!

This is indeed an interesting question which is probably relevant for quite a lot of users, so I am happy to provide my perspective on it:

  • First of all, from my point of view, the whole “tier” discussion is not very meaningful, whether in strategy consulting and other industries alike for the simple reason: They are mostly based on size (i.e. revenues). While there might be other benefits associated with it, in the end it merely helps the individual.
  • From my perspective, I would advise you to think about the following three aspects to understand where you want to be in the long run:
    • Industry knowledge: What is the industry that fascinates you and you think you might want to stay in for longer than just a couple of years?
    • Methodological knowledge: What are the topics that fascinate you and you want to become an expert in (this might be slightly correlated to industry knowledge yet not entirely)?
    • Culture: What is the work environment you thrive best?

In case you want a more detailed discussion on how to best decide on your career entry into inhouse consulting, please feel free to contact me directly.

I hope this helps,


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Anonymous A on Dec 24, 2021

Hi Hagen, thanks! I think "tiers" could describe the type of business the inhouse consultancies are doing and how much they pay. From the offers I have and from what I researched on top, the very good inhouse consultancies pay almost at T1/T2 levels (at least in the first years, i think project leaders in external consultancies get paid quite a bit more later on). Moreoever, the type of consulting as described in another post is also relevant. what do you think? Thanks a lot!

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