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How to reach someone if email not working?

cold email MBB networking
Recent activity on May 15, 2018
2 Answers
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Ross asked on May 14, 2018

Hi there,

I have been struggling to reach a Partner and MD at BCG who works in my city and is an alumnus of my non-target undergrad school. I believe I found the correct BCG email, but I know that he has not read my email (using trackers).

Should I send a letter to his office?

Thanks for your suggestions!

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replied on May 14, 2018
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


And what's the objective of your e-mail? Partner is a vary serious role, so not sure how he can help you.

Partners don't leave the e-mail unanswered, so most probably he saw the e-mail and decided not to answer. Or It was blocked as spam.

Another option may be linkedin.


Ross on May 15, 2018

Hi Vlad, the objective is to solicit a conversation with him and introduce myself as someone worthy enough for an interview. Is he too senior of a person for my networking efforts?

replied on May 15, 2018
Ex-MBB, Experienced Hire; I will teach you not only the how, but also the why of case interviews

And one more thing... I hate trackers, and can't be the only one. If you send me an email with tracker request, we are starting on the wrong foot. I'd use this feature with extreme caution, and never when I am asking for someone I dont know to help me.

Ross on May 15, 2018

Guennael, I agree that the tracker request would likely be off-putting; however, the tool I use does not request a read-receipt or anything similar - it's an inconspicuous tag in the email that only I can see. But I do agree with your premise in general, thank you for the comment

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