Hi all, I have read many posts on this forum regarding referral topic, but would like to seek advice on my current struggling situation.
1.My alumni network working in consulting are all not in the office I am applying to, and I don't have direct contacts. Currently I'm doing cold mailing to people without connections, and the reply rate is pretty low. Even if they reply, I do not know how to ask for referral in an elegant way. What would be a good way to ask dor referral indirectly, given that this person does not have common networks with you?
2.Is it recommended to ask for mock interviews, even if no common connection exist? Would a consultant really be willing to help a person who has no connection with him?
3.Would referral from overseas office help? Currently I have a friend from MBB, who would be willing to help me to refer to another office (different country). How would this process work?
4.I have several years of work experience (not in consulting), so I will be applying experienced hire role. In this case, is it recommended to ask HR to provide contacts to talk with (such as asking contact of the principal in charge of an industry, or recruitment)? Also, should I also target higher level managers to get referral?
5.What would be some good questions to ask? Usually I ask about company culture, projects in the local office, and application tips, but the phone call usually become a Q&A session without being able to build a "personal bond" strong enough for me to ask for more help.
Thank you so much!