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Does Bain have a global recruiting process?

Bain recruiting
New answer on Nov 19, 2020
4 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Nov 06, 2018


I got recruited on campus last year in November at the Spanish office. I literally sucked at cases but I had a great connection with one of the interviewer (who exited from Bain a few months ago to pursue a Director position somewhere else)

a) can I reapply now (after one year) to Bain but this time to my home office -Italy? (for the record: I enriched my Cv and I will graduate soon)

b) is the feedback global, who can see it? Every HR?

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Anonymous replied on Nov 06, 2018

Hi there,

Yes, reapplying should be OK. Might be worth reaching out to the HR in Italy though to be sure and let them know.

and Yes, the previous feedback is global, but it definitely will not be accessed by your interviewers or anything. Only case it would really matter is if you did something really bad in your previous interview (e.g. a super unprofessional comment) which might get you blacklisted from Bain altogether (not suggesting this is the case!)

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replied on Nov 06, 2018
Bain & Co interviewer (~3 years) | MBB-prep focused | Expert: Market Sizing; P&L cases | 50+ coachees at MBB


On paper, the recruiting process is global and when you apply online you can choose a few offices to apply to.

However, I would strongly advise to keep networking and try to talk to people from your home office (maybe ask your contact from Madrid to find a few junior consultants for you) in order to:

  • "Do your homework": know more about Bain and specifically Bain Italy
    • Atmosphere
    • People
    • Projects/Industries
    • ..
  • Grow your Bain network: it can definitely be leveraged in the future, no matter if you will join Bain or not
  • Increase you chances to get in: if you connect well with people from the Italian office, there is a chance they will recommend you

I have personnaly been working in a cross-office case where half of the team was from Bain Italy, happy to chat about it!
Also note that Bain Italy was for a while independant from Bain and has only recently joined Bain.


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replied on Nov 06, 2018
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


1) The ban may be 1 or 2 years, depending on your performance. If you don't know it - you just have to take a shot and apply now

2) Yes, it's global, but no one will be reviewing your detailed feedback, just your new resume and the ban status in the system


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replied on Nov 19, 2020
#1 MBB Coach(Placed 750+ in MBBs & 1250+ in Tier2)| The Only 360° coach(Ex-McKinsey+Certified Coach+Active recruiter)

Hi there,

It seems that you can try to reapply again. If you have doubts, I recommend you contact HR in Italy and discuss your situation.

Yes, the recruiting system is global.

Do you need any further help?

All the best,


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