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Companies hiring in the UAE

Hiring freeze? Should I apply now and wait?
Edited on Jun 24, 2020
7 Answers
1.1 k Views
Anonymous A asked on Jun 22, 2020

Hello everyone,

does anyone know the situation in the UAE when its comes to consulting firms hiring? Who is hiring, who is not? When is the best time to apply w referral (now or e.g August)?

Thank you so much!

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Anonymous B replied on Jun 22, 2020

I would say wait until August or maybe even later.

All of the tier 2 firms in the region have frozen interviews completely and MBB are only interviewing candidates who were already in the pipeline.

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Content Creator
updated an answer on Jun 24, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

It seems things are starting to pick up again but it varies by office + company.

I suggest you ask your referee when it makes the most sense. You can also reach out to HR as well as stagger your inquiries across firms to spread risk.

According to this recently asked Q&A:

(I cannot personally verify this, but an anonymous user has stated the following)

1. BCG : Jan/Feb

2. Strategy& : Feb/March

3. Kearney: Feb

4. Mckinsey : Feb (some said that the firm has not decided yet)

5. OW: Not decided yet

6. Rolan Berger: No news yet

This is only for people hired at entry level (BAs/Associates). There's atleast a 6-month delay.

Another user has posted the following in reference to MBB Dubai:

- MBB Dubai / entry-level / Sep 2020 --> Jan 2021 (no stipend)

- MBB Dubai / post-MBA / Jun 2020 --> Sep 2020 (no stipend)

- MBB Dubai / entry-level / Sep 2020 --> Mar 2021 (with stipend)

- OW Dubai / entry-level / Sep 2020 --> Jan 2021 (no stipend)


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Anonymous C on Jun 27, 2020

That was me! I posted this :)

Anonymous replied on Jun 22, 2020

Hi there,

MBB in Dubai have restarted their interviews as well as some tier-2 companies - I think they are currently processing the applications they have received since Dec-Jan...So it will take them a few months to go through them.

That being said, If you are ready to apply, then go for it - you should hear back whenever it's you applications turn (I would recommend to apply in batches, select one MBB and two tier-2 companies as a first trial, once you hear back from them then decide on applying to a second batch)



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Anonymous A on Jun 22, 2020

Do you think with a referral it will still take them month to process the application?

Anonymous B on Jun 22, 2020

Do you know what tier 2s have restarted interviews?

Content Creator
replied on Jun 23, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


In the last two weeks, recruiting has boomed again worldwide. However, at least from my network and my coachees, none has been called in UAE yet.



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Anonymous replied on Jun 23, 2020

If possible for you, I think it's better to wait until end of summer holidays to launch application (best is to be refered of course)


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Jamie replied on Jun 23, 2020
Former Tier 2, now MBB in Dubai. Here to chill :)

Hi there,

I'm a current MBB consultant in Dubai.

Happy to answer questions you might have in private.


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Sandro on Jun 23, 2020

Hi Jamie, can you send me a message please! Thank you!

Jamie on Jun 23, 2020

Hi Sandro, sadly i no longer have a premium account so I cant send messages

Content Creator
replied on Jun 23, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached


If you have a referral and a contact inside the company, the best thing you can do is to ask directly them. Situation varies a lot between companies and the referral can be a good boost to accelerate the process. There is no downside in applying asap.


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