Hi everyone!
After an initial Skype interview, I've just learnt that Capgemini Consulting wants to see me for a second round in Paris in June. The mail I received only states that this interview will be from 8:50 am to 12:30 pm and treat:
1. A customer situation
2. A case study
I'm not sure about the difference between the two, nor the exact meaning of either.
According to my readings from the Internet, the "customer situation" should be a concrete simulation of an upset customer which will allow the judges to evaluate my dealing with a difficult situation.
I am guessing the case study is probably similar to the regular case interviews, which is the reason why I am training on Preplounge today. However, I am pretty sure that I'll get a marketing or digital-related case, as I've applied to the Digital Customer Experience practice.
Could anyone tell me if you have more information on the process of Capgemini's interview and if my guessings are right? Anything would help a great deal for me to know what to expect on D-day!
Thanks for your help!