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BCG Online Case Experience (NOT Potential Test)

New answer on Aug 13, 2020
7 Answers
4.6 k Views
Anonymous B asked on Mar 22, 2020

Hello all,

I just got invited to the BCG online case experience. Note this is not the BCG Potential Test that you take at their office (my guess is that they don't want candidates coming to the office during the outbreak :) Does anyone have experience with this? What'd you recommend as the best way to prepare?

Thanks a lot! Hope everyone is safe and healthy.

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Content Creator
replied on Mar 22, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


Precisely as you outline, all the recruiting process (from tests to former face-to-face interviews) have moved to online.

Hence, nothing changes in terms of the approach in case of the test.

What it does change is the interviews, where you need to take an extra-active role with your commuication, walking your interviewer through your thoughs, validating a lot... but this will come only after.

Hope it helps!



Anonymous updated the answer on Mar 22, 2020


The recruiting in current times has moved to online channels. So go to this with the same level of preparedness as to a face to face interview. That being said, considering the constraints of online meetings over the face to face sessions, there are a couple of things you can do:

  • Take an active role in the interview and guide the interviewer through your thinking. The interviewer can't see the paper where you are drawing the framework, so you have to ensure that you effectively communicate your approach
  • It is possible that you run out of time and you are not possible to finish all the possibilities to explore from your framework. so share your approach with the interviewer at the start itself so that he/she knows how you are thinking about it
  • Avoid last-minute panic - be seated 5-10 mins in advance and ensure minimum distractions like turn off phone notifications, have pen-paper ready, check phone microphone, camera, have a copy of printed CV.

Best wishes!


Anonymous M replied on Aug 13, 2020

Hi, how was your online case experience? Hoping you got through it. I also got invited and am preparing for it. If you don't mind, kindly share your experience :)

Anonymous W on Oct 23, 2020

Hey Anon C, I'm preparing for my online case experience now and am curious how it was for you. Was it at all similar to the old potential tests? What would you suggest I do to prepare? Hope you passed and thanks in advance for any tips:)

Anonymous replied on Jul 09, 2020

Hello A!

The BCG online case is very similar to a regular case the only difference being that your direction in the business case is guided by the questions being asked. So it will be similar to an "interviewer-led" case format. There are a lot of resources online for case solving and all you need to do is Google. If you want to sharpen your case skills in general I would recommend Victor Cheng's Case Interview Secrets by Victor Cheng and his book. Message me if you have any other specific questions and all the best!



Anonymous N replied on Mar 24, 2020


I am also currently in the recruiting process with BCG and have interview day 1 coming up which consists of two interviews and the online case experience you mentioned. The sample that they sent me to prepare has the same structure and marking scheme as the BCG potential test with similar questions, although perhaps slightly more focused on logic/business sense analysis in addition to the maths aspect. I was invited to do the interview including Online Case Experience before everything was shut down with Corona so I think they may have just changed the name of the test in some offices. I am preparing using BCG Potential test material, PST material and GMAT Quant workbook.

Content Creator
replied on Mar 23, 2020
McKinsey / ex-Interviewer at McKinsey / I will coach you to rock those interviews


The interview will be exactly the same, just per video


Content Creator
replied on Mar 23, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

I confirm it's due to the lockdown. The format will be similar to the classical face to face interview and will be structured in 3 parts:
- Personal Experience Interview: fit and CV questions to assess your personal impact, leadership skills, and entrepreneurial spirit
- Case Interview: typical business case to evaluate your structure in approaching problems, problem-solving skills, and business sense
- Your final questions to the interviewers

Hope it helps,

Clara gave the best answer


Content Creator
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut
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