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BCG Gamma vs. BCG Technology Practice

BCG BCG gamma Digital Digital McKinsey
New answer on Jul 26, 2019
2 Answers
3.3 k Views
Aniruddha Joshi asked on Jul 25, 2019

Does anyone have experience in BCG Gamma or BCG Technology practice? I am currently doing my MBA but I have a background in computer science and technology. I am looking to transition to a digital consulting role after MBA, but I am confused about the different digital offerings of the consulting firms.

I wanted to understand what skills are needed for each divisions and what type of work is done in each division.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Anonymous replied on Jul 25, 2019

Hi Aniruddha,

To put it very simply, BCG Gamma does a lot of the coding and data analytics work that is required during a client engagement. Correspondingly, it prefers candidates with more computer science, programming and data analytics background (rather than people with business background). BCG Technology, on the other hand, is more similiar to traditional management consulting, with a focus on technology and digital transformation. These two departments very often work together during projects, with the former focusing on the technical side while the latter focusing on the business side.

You can find more details on what exactly they do/have done online in their websites. Hope this helps.

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replied on Jul 26, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


  • BCG Digital Ventures - BCG acquiring startups or launching them jointly with the clients. Example - BCG launching an app for taxi drivers together with Shell. They use ex-consultants and current consultants to fill in the roles in the startup. Sounds sexy, but all projects I've seen so far lacked expertise and real knowledge of tech sector. The execution is poor as well. Would not recommend joining it at this stage
  • BCG Gamma - advanced analytics. Make sense to go if you want to be a data scientist. Currently, they help teams on current projects by analyzing large sets of data. Long-term it will be the core capability since most of the clients now have big data. Would recommend joining only if you love data science, although any tech company will give you much more opportunities here
  • BCG TA - Same as McKinsey Digital - helping the clients with IT strategy, building digital capabilities, etc. The career path is similar to a generalist.
  • BCG Platinion - IT implementation part of TA, more focused on the day to day execution. My guess is that the career track is different from generalists and the salaries should be lower (otherwise the clients will not afford it and you have to compete with Accenture, big4 etc). But would double check it.


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