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AT Kearney London interview invitation

New answer on Nov 21, 2019
3 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Nov 20, 2019

Hey Everyone,

I applied for ATK at the end of October and I am yet to hear anything. Everyone I know of who has heard from them has been in the form of rejection.

Has anyone here been invited to their first-round in London yet?



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Content Creator
replied on Nov 20, 2019
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

the application screening takes on average 1 month in this period of the year. If in a hurry, I recommend to follow up HR via email or call: they are there to help you.


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Content Creator
replied on Nov 20, 2019
5+ Years at BCG & Kearney Dubai & Istanbul | 400+ Trainees | Free 15-min Consultation Call


Some of my trainees are also waiting to hear back from ATK London as well.



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Anonymous B replied on Nov 21, 2019

I am still waiting to hear back and emailed the recruiter who replied saying we will hear as soon as the screening process is complete, but didn't give any timelines on this.

Hopefully it's a good thing if you are yet to hear from them!

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Anonymous A on Nov 22, 2019

I just got my rejection email

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