Excellence is a prerequisite for top consultants, not a differentiator.
Train excellence and leverage your personality to differentiate from the mass.
If both of us decide to take on this joint challenge to catch your dream job...
...we will start with an initial discussion about your background, current skill level, core questions and goal as well as other general conditions
... we will tailor our sessions content-wise accordingly and will not be limited to an hour sharply
... I will give you a deep understanding of the main objectives and dynamics of MBB interviews; learn about best practices as well as Do's and Don'ts
... You will learn how to structure and analyze cases not only quickly but also tailored and convincingly
... I will help you increasing your stress resistency in order to stay calm and focused during the interviews
... I will coach you to leverage your personality with a perfectly solved case in order to differentiate from the mass
Interested? Happy to set up a first short call in order to getting to know each other for free!