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What was the most important lesson you learned in school?

PrepLounge: Personal Fit
New answer on Jun 11, 2024
18 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Oct 01, 2019

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Anonymous I replied on Jun 11, 2024

It is about perseverance and hardwork. No matter how good you are you have to put effort in everything you do. It is good to have obsession to your work.

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Anonymous H replied on Apr 16, 2024

Its not about what you learn but how you learn

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Anonymous D replied on Jul 13, 2022

To not fall under group bias when doing collaborative projects. Recently I had a feasibility study. I was not a huge fan of our business idea. I learned in a psychology class that its always good to hear everyone's points as well as to work through concerns making sure you don't fall into group bias. So I asked the group if we could sit down and discuss this idea so I can try and pick away at problems that may arise. By having a respectful constructive conversations, we found and fixed many problems resulting in a better project overall.

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Karim replied on Jan 10, 2021
Chemical Engineer seeking entry into Management Consulting

People have different talents and abilities that cannot be quantified with existing grading systems, and we have live examples all around us today with the big names in key industries

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Peter replied on Mar 27, 2023

Ich habe in der Schulzeit gelernt, wie wichtig es ist, gut zu kommunizieren. Nicht nur in Gruppenarbeiten, sondern insbesondere während meines Engagements als Chefredakteur der Schülerzeitung war es meine Aufgabe zwischen verschiedenen Beteiligten zu vermitteln und Ideen unter einen Hut zu bringen. 

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Max replied on May 06, 2023

I learned how important teamwork and communication is. You will need it all the time

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replied on Feb 02, 2023

Rethink the words others are saying. The mainstream is not always right 

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Anonymous F replied on Jan 23, 2023

Never forget where you came from.

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Xaver replied on Jan 22, 2023

Ich habe in der Schule vor allem gelernt wie viel mehr man erreichen kann wenn man im Team arbeitet

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Anonymous E updated the answer on Aug 06, 2022

I learnt the meaning of friendships and the importance of preparation.  


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j novitasari replied on Jan 22, 2022

has to be agile

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Anonymous C replied on Jan 19, 2022

Structured working, team work, deal with alot of work

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Rochelle replied on Oct 21, 2021

That it is ok to just jump in. I was unsure of everything about college when I began. It was nerve racking as it seemed everyone else knew what to do. But after attending, it was clear we had all just been thrown in to figure it out. I did and by the end I was able to help other new students forge their oath through college. Sometimes you have to just jump in and learn as you go.

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Ken replied on Oct 18, 2021

The most important lesson I learned in school is that I can learn from my peers as much as I can my teacher. Same as a team leader, all the members have equally important lessons to teach me and we all have different backgrounds coming to the same table.


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Anonymous B replied on Oct 08, 2019

To think with my own head, be resilient to obstacles and failures and to try to learn from the best people around you.

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Anonymous G replied on Nov 26, 2023

Hard work. 

I learned that having a specific plan and working hard to achieve your goals is the only ladder to success. 

There is nothing handed to you on a silver plate, everything you aim to achieve in life needs to be done with hard work, resilience and determination. 

You are your biggest fan, and you responsible for your own growth. 

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Anshika replied on Sep 28, 2023

how to be open to making mistakes 


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Sam replied on Aug 12, 2022

Your future is not defined by your inability to concentrate at school. Often, teachers and fellow classmates are guilty of making remarks and observations that, for some, have a profoundly painful impact for a significant period thereafter. I was fortunate enough, through personal and social circumstances, to develop a coping mechanism whereby I did not heed the harsher criticisms directed towards me. This has contributed towards the resilience which I depend upon at least once a day. 

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