Dear Community,
I have been quite insecure with consulting application in SEA region and I hope for your advice or insights on several matters as follows:
1. I have worked with an ex-MBB coach for case interview preparation and she kindly willing to refer me (after I requested) to Bain (Direct email to the head recruiter) and BCG (through her friend at BCG). It has been 3 weeks for BCG and 2 weeks for Bain and I have yet to receive any responses at all. Do you think that perhaps the referral is not strong enough due to being an ex-MBB (not current consultant) or because of this time period is considered as off-season for applications hence slower response?
2. I have applied online to oliver wyman for entry level consultant position around 1 month ago and have yet to receive response. Hence, I recently reached out to the HR and he told me that the the applications will be reviewed once the application time frame closes which is in 2 days. Is this statement true? Because I always thought that the application will at least be reviewed 1 or 2 weeks after submission
I know that there is nothing I can do about it to worry too much but I just kind of feel depressed after preparing case interview intensively for 6 months without even getting any response at all. Hope you can shed some lights about current situation and I would really appreciate the hard truth.
Thank you and look forward to your responses!