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McKinsey Consulting Analyst Recruitment Timeframe

Case Interview informational interview McKinsey recruitment recruitment timeline reject rejection Result
New answer on Mar 07, 2024
5 Answers
Anonymous A asked on Mar 06, 2024

I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out because I recently applied for the Consulting Analyst role at McKinsey in November 2023. I completed the solve game test in January 2024, and since then, I haven't received any updates. The website still shows my application status as "in progress."

Specifically, I have a few questions:

  1. What is the common timeframe for the entire recruitment process of consulting analyst role in McKinsey, including when the results are usually communicated, when the case interviews typically occur, and when onboarding usually takes place?
  2. Is it common for McKinsey to initiate recruitment for the Consulting Analyst role in November?
  3. In the event of a rejection, does McKinsey typically reach out to inform candidates, or is it more common for candidates to not hear back (i.e., being ghosted)?
  4. In McKinsey, is it common for there to be a significant time between recruitment stages, such as the approximately two months between CV submission and completing the solve game test that I've experienced?


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Content Creator
replied on Mar 07, 2024
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

1) What is the common timeframe for the entire recruitment process of consulting analyst role in McKinsey?

The entire recruiting process usually takes a few months and the starting date is usually within a few months from the offer (usually, up to 12 months after the communication of the offer). In terms of the test, you usually hear back after a few weeks.

2) Is it common for McKinsey to initiate recruitment for the Consulting Analyst role in November?

Not sure I understood the question. If they had openings in November for that role, it means they had a recruiting cycle opened in your country in that period. In general, fall is a typical recruiting period for consulting companies.

3) In the event of a rejection, does McKinsey typically reach out to inform candidates, or is it more common for candidates to not hear back (i.e., being ghosted)?

Normally they let you know the results regardless of the outcome.

4) In McKinsey, is it common for there to be a significant time between recruitment stages, such as the approximately two months between CV submission and completing the solve game test that I've experienced?

It might happen, depending on the recruiting situation in your target office. 

Good luck!


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Content Creator
replied on Mar 07, 2024
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

#1: Don't bank on McKinsey. Apply to lots of other firms.

1. What is the common timeframe for the entire recruitment process of consulting analyst role in McKinsey, including when the results are usually communicated, when the case interviews typically occur, and when onboarding usually takes place?

Could be as quick as a month to more than a year. It all depends on the roll, the cycle, the channel, and, of course, randomness. Typically it should be 2-3 months.

Is it common for McKinsey to initiate recruitment for the Consulting Analyst role in November?

I wouldn't say so. They recruit year-round. 

In the event of a rejection, does McKinsey typically reach out to inform candidates, or is it more common for candidates to not hear back (i.e., being ghosted)?

You should hear back. But there are plenty of incidents where candidates are ghosted.

In McKinsey, is it common for there to be a significant time between recruitment stages, such as the approximately two months between CV submission and completing the solve game test that I've experienced?

More common than you might expect. It happens quite frequently.

And, when they do finally get back to you, they might schedule an interview in 2 days! 

It's just how these firms work (you have to adjust to their timing)

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Content Creator
replied on Mar 06, 2024
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

1. The common timeframe between the test and hearing about the interviews/rejection is between 1-2 weeks. Currently, we are seeing extended timelines due to a hiring slowdown. Some people are waiting for months to hear back, unfortunately.

2. Depends on the office/location. Not untypical!

3. Yes, they will reach out!

4. Usually not. You can go through the whole process end-to-end in 3-4 weeks if you want to. However, see point 1.

Hoping for the best!



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Anonymous A on Mar 06, 2024

Thank you for your response Florian. I appreciate your insights on the common timeframe for hearing back after the test and the acknowledgment of the current hiring slowdown, which is unfortunately leading to extended timelines for some applicants. It's reassuring to know that McKinsey typically does reach out, and the variation in timelines is somewhat expected depending on office/location. Your explanation about the possibility of completing the entire process within 3-4 weeks under normal circumstances is helpful, although the current hiring slowdown is causing delays. I've noticed discussions about this slowdown in McKinsey recruitment in several Q&A sessions, and I'm curious if there's any specific reason behind it. Any insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Florian on Mar 06, 2024

The reason is that firms are re-evaluating their hiring goals and do not have full transparency about the need for new hires over the next couple of months. On the other hand, they also do not want to reject great candidates and keep them in the loop.

Anonymous A on Mar 06, 2024

Cheers for the crystal-clear explanation! It's great to know that firms are taking the time to re-evaluate their hiring goals. And it's even better to hear that they're keeping great candidates in the loop! Here's to hoping for some positive news soon!


replied on Mar 06, 2024
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

1. In 95% of cases solve game result will be communicated within up to 5 weeks, so waiting so long is clearly an outlier and you should reach out.

2. Not the norm (usually sooner), but also not uncommon.

3. Top Consulting firms don't ghost candidates. Of course mistakes happen, but they really are the exception and not intencional. They have a good process.

4. The norm is to be faster. And definitely two months after the solve game is an outlier. You should reach out to HR.

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Anonymous A on Mar 06, 2024

Thank you for your response. To clarify further, I submitted my CV at the end of November 2023 and completed the solve game test at the end of January 2024. Given that we're now in the first week of March 2024, would you still consider this timeline to be within the typical 5-week range for McKinsey's recruitment process?

Anonymous A on Mar 06, 2024

Furthermore, I did reach out to the HR department via email regarding the status of my application, but unfortunately, I haven't received a response yet. Given this situation, do you have any further suggestions on how I could proceed or any alternative methods of contacting HR that might be more effective?

Content Creator
replied on Mar 06, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Sorry to hear about the wait. 

Ghosting is more of a system failure than an intention. Formally, they always intend to get back. 

Timelines differ, and especially around the holidays, they tend to become longer. 

If you haven't heard from them in so long, you should follow up with a polite email. But don't assume the game is lost until you get a formal rejection. 

Hope you hear back from them soon!

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Anonymous A on Mar 06, 2024

Thank you for your thoughtful response, Cristian. You make a valid point about the impact of holidays on recruitment timelines, which can indeed cause delays, and I totally forgot about that aspect. Indeed, considering the holiday breaks in my target office around 3-4 weeks during the new year and 1 week in February, the effective waiting time for the CV submission - Solve game invitation and waiting from Solve game invitation - now would likely be around one month both, not two. Thank you for reminding me of this aspect. It's reassuring to know that the extended wait may be partly attributed to holiday periods. I appreciate your reminder to follow up with a polite email and not to jump to conclusions until receiving a formal rejection. Your insights have been incredibly helpful. Here's to hoping for a positive outcome soon!

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