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Is BCG and Bain LONDON offices recruiting on a rolling basis?

Bain Bain & Company BCG bcg london London MBB McKinsey
Recent activity on Oct 09, 2017
5 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Sep 25, 2017

Hi everyone,

I just want to ask whether these two offices recruit on a rolling basis. I know that McKinsey London doesn't and so we can have more time to prepare our applications before sending it off.

On the BCG website, there is a deadline date but no mention of 'rolling basis' element. On the Bain website, there are no deadlines (but happy to be proven wrong).

Thanks, all!

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MBB London intake/starting dates??

updated an answer on Oct 24, 2017
Project leader BCG, Bain and A.T. Kearney / 200+ real interviews
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AKASH on Oct 24, 2017

Brilliant! Thank you

Anonymous replied on Oct 09, 2017

Tom, Eric and Chris are all right. Bain, BCG and McKinsey London all recruit on cylces for undgrad, non-MBA grad and MBAs. It's important to note that experienced hires for both consultant AND expert roles are done on a rolling basis and on "as needed" basis (posted positions).

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Anonymous replied on Sep 29, 2017

If you're applying as an experienced hire, this might be done on a rolling basis. If you're applying from schools then these would not be on a rolling basis.

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Chris replied on Sep 26, 2017
Looking for solid partners. Currently prepping for MBB case interviews.

Not sure about BCG but Bain don't do rolling basis.

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Anonymous replied on Oct 02, 2017

Both don't unless you're an experienced hire

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