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I am sitting the McKinsey SHL test in a few days - can we have Excel open for the test?

I am sitting the McKinsey SHL test in a few days - can we have Excel open for the test? 

Want to know as theres not point practicing with Excel if I can't use it. 


3 Answers
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on Sep 02, 2018

I just took it. You can use whatever you have around (calculator is fine, for instance). I don't recommend using Excel, as the biggest pressure here was time.

on Sep 03, 2018
Thanks Sarah - What was the structure like?
on Sep 03, 2018
For example - Numerical 20 questions in 20mins? And for the verbal reasoning section, was it a body of text per question? Or a body of text every 2-4 questions. Thanks in advance :)
on Sep 03, 2018
That's about right! I think you had >1 minute for each of the math questions and <1 for each of the verbal reasoning questions. You can expect for the verbal reasoning section to see 1-3 questions per text.
on Sep 03, 2018
Thanks Sarah! One more question sorry - Do the times cross over or does one test stop then the second starts?
on Sep 03, 2018
Nope. You can take a break if you want (I recommend)
on Sep 02, 2018
McKinsey EM & MD at Venture Capital || Interview coach - More than 100 Cases || INSEAD Business School

You will not be able to use excel during the test - usually neither a calculator.

I think it's worth to practice with pan and paper to be fast with calculation.

on Sep 03, 2018

I assume this is the test you can take at home - in which case, you can use whatever you want. 

If the test is conducted in the McKinsey office (not heard of McK doing this, but other companies yes), then you most likely will only have access to a basic calculator, pen and paper.

good luck!

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